Life Is A Carnival

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The last year I've given life more thought compared to my usual introspection. I probably should have done this long ago, but I like to live in the moment.

I've determined that folks fall into specific categories -- regardless of the age, location, race, gender or religion.

1. Self-absorbed: All about them. Everyone needs to bow down or this group gets testy.

2. Follow the Leader/Cowards: This group doesn't do anything to rock the boat. This group is easily lead because they don't want to think about where they're going or what they're doing. They just rubber stamp life.

3. Revolutionary/Leader: Some folks talk the talk, but a smaller group gets out there and makes stuff happen. The happenings, however, aren't always the things that other folks want. This category sometimes overlaps with the first one.

4. Careful Thinkers: This group likes to consider all sides before making a decision.

5. Fast and Furious: The motto "Better to Burn Out Than to Rust Away" is the motto for this group. Sometimes personalities from this group combine the self-absorbed attitude so it's hard to distinguish the two.

6. Life Goes On: The last group allows life to happen to them without little participation. Some take drugs to just go with the flow, and others are too lazy to do anything about life.

Life is a carnival with all the personality types.

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