Our education system produce creative students?

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Our schools and colleges does not provide that type of education to student from which student clear their concept and understand the things and gives their own opinion about topics and it require practical education from which student learn more efficiently and their concept become more clear unfortunately our education system includes cramming type of education from which student want to gets marks by cramming and they get success from this .

If our education system is become like conceptual then student become creative and other more important point is that teacher should leave some points on student for thinking or putting some question on student which is similar to that topic and asked them points which they think and say them to implement practically then result will declared that who is right , this is very important tool for student to become creative. Teacher asked question when their lecture is finished and also perform practical in front of student and asked them they also perform practical and he also asked them try different thing when you are performing practical then see your result.

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cricket ...chemistry...Imran khan

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