PES' 2015. First Impressions.

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Here is Fifas ultimate competetor in Pro Evolution. Usually people will be a fan of either or. Usually it's a love hate relationship, either people dislike Fifa and love Pro Evolution or vice versa. I have played both games now and I can say both games overall offer a unique and different perspective in gameplay. I like how fluid the graphics look on PES, how the field looks and how the team jerseys look on the field. It's pretty impressive in my opinion. In that aspect, I would say I like PES better, but when it comes to the physics engine, gameplay, I think this is where FIFA shines and takes the cake so to speak.

I like PES' 2015. It's a good game with vast online and offline options. This game should keep you entertained for quite a while if you're a fan of soccer or European football. Playing online or co-op with others in your household is a true blast and treat. xD =)

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