Spring into Spring: Undoing the Damage of Winter

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Spring is here. It is time to shed those cold days of winter and embrace the new season. Your entire body had sustained some consequences of the winter season and it now time to replenish and repair. It sounds like a tough task, and yet is can be very relaxing and feel like a breath of fresh warm air.

Wash it out


The most common answer to anything that ails you, your skin and your body’s hydration. It is time to ramp up the amount of water you are drinking. If it is hard to drink plain water an infusion pitcher may be helpful. It has a center tube where you can put fruit or veggies to flavor the water a bit. One of the best and most surprising may be cucumber slices. It is very fresh and doesn’t add acids.

Change your diet

Everything works from the inside out. It is time to introduce some super foods back into your diet. There are foods that brings your hair, nails and skin back to life. It can be as simple as reintroducing these foods back into your spring eating plan. Some excellent choices would be almonds, eggs, sweet potatoes, dark green veggies and yogurt.


Get a massage

You are looking for a complete massage from head to toe. Toxins have settled into your muscles and skin over the winter months and it is time to release them and feel great again. A proper massage will take care of everything from your face to the tips of your toes. There will be a cost associated with this and it will be worth every penny. Just do it.

Condition your hair and nails

Winter plays havoc on your hair and nails. Spring is the best time to perform some deep conditioning. There are many “do at home” remedies that are very effective. Here is the place you can save a little money and do it yourself. A great pair of gloves and some deep moisturizing cream can make the nails and hands a simple chore. A deep conditioning cream can be very effective for your tresses.

It’s better with friends

It really is better with friends. Go on the spa date together. Have a spring party and share infusion pitchers with your friends. Why not get together and do the moisturized manicures over a great chick flick.

You don’t have to change your whole life. You can just get rid of the winter damage, grab the sunscreen and a water bottle and get ready for a fantastic spring.

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