Study the lessons of life, to have a good future

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An experience is the great teacher, that’s what they say. This life, it gives us many lessons that sometimes we take for granted. We don’t give time our self to think why things are happening, if what the message of this to our life.

We need to study the lessons of life. It doesn't mean that it happened already, it means it is done and you can do nothing for it. Sometimes, we need to give time to think, to ask our self some questions. Why, how, what if, and many questions can be asked. Why it doesn't work out when you have done your best, why it should end, why you not succeeded, when will be the time for you, what if I have done this and that, would my life will not be like this?

Life always gives us lesson; learn from them for you to be better and for you to know the answer of your questions.

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