The Human body:Anatomy ,Facts and its Functions

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   Insects have skeletons outside their bodies.Such skeletons are called exoskeletons.

Our body system consist of number of biological system which carry out specific functions in our daily life activities.The human body varies in size and shape.some can be tall or short,weak or strong.But all human beings have similar body parts.But the shape of our body not remain same in whole life with the passage of time the body parts are going week and some time few body part stop to performing own work properly. The composition of human body is in term of water content,element content tissues type or material type,In human adult human body at least have 60% of water. 

   our body contain many parts.

  1.     The bones of our body make up our skeleton.



     A skeleton helps us to stand upright and gives shape to the body.

     Every time we walk,sit on the chair or bend ,we are using our bones.

    When we become adult,we have 206 bones in our body.

      Men and women,boys and girls are called human beings.We have similar body parts.but we think and behave differently.we also look different from one another.

   2. Bones do not work alone.They move with the help of muscles and joints.

    The place where two bones meed is called a joint.

Joints help the skeleton to move.they allow us to walk,run,bend or lift things.
   And number of tissues combine to gather and make muscles. muscles need food to work they get strong if we eat healthy food.


      Our body is like a amazing machine. It does different jobs for us like a machine.

  For example a car is a machine and needs to be looked after so that it can run.

 Our body is also a machine that need to be look after .so the question is that how can we look after  our body?

 Keep your body clean work,eat healthy and fresh food and play.This will keep all our body parts working properly.All these things are very important for a healthy body and if we not going to these things we well go week and ill.

  Eat  healthy food that gives us the energy to work and play.Drink six to eight glasses of water daily.Get plenty of rest and sleep.

  3. Different parts of the body do different jobs.Each job is done by a special body part or organ Some of these organs are inside in our body and cannot be seen.Others, such as our teeth,and the five sense organs,visible.

We have a brain.we use it to think with.It controls our body and its actions.

We have a heart.It pushes or Pumps blood to all the parts of our body.This system called circulatory system

We have nose.we use it for smiling.

we have eyes we use it for to see things.

We have a stomach to help us digest our food.And we have lot of other organs who's perform different functions in our body like

   That is the fact that a human body contain 100 trillion cells and 10 time bacteria at least in cell and human brain contain 100 million nerve cell