The students activities in central Asia

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In the beginning of week, October 5, was universal teacher day. Students in this day celebrates in a great manner and thanked to their teacher because of efforts of teachers for students. And the head of school donated some certificates to the teachers.

And also an exhibition for teacher’s day of students` arts was implemented and some important persons from Education Directorate came to school to visit this exhibition.


In the computer class, students has shown innovation and creativity from themselves. And day by day their interests in computer and internet increase and show their blogs and articles to the world by social media especially Film Annex.

Bu default, the activity of 11th class students was more than 10th class and also Fatima Matin, 11th class student, had most activity in Film Annex than Noorzia Usmani and marjan Usmani.


I hope all my students try to have activity in this field to increase their knowledge about social media and digital media to be an ideal in the future for youth rage.

When we were in the school, students didn`t have such equipment and technologies which today the students have and we didn`t know anything about Internet. Hope, students after school and starting college, make their personality and earn money for themselves.

About the author


The Houz-e-Karbas High School was founded in 1962 in Afghanistan. The all-girls school has approximately 4000 students, 92 teachers, 5 senior teachers, one education manager, and one administrator. Many classes are taught in tents. Film Annex built the first Internet classroom at the Houz-e-Karbas High School in May, 2012.

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