Torture of Taliban in Afghanistan

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When Taliban came to Afghanistan and took the power, people thought this group will bring peace and stability in the country. Unfortunately, when Taliban came here, everything got upside-down. They didn’t let the girls attend schools, and they closed the doors of the girls’ schools.

Boys’ schools were open, but they were only thought religious subjects.

My uncle said, “One day when I went to the bazaar, I saw that Taliban were whipping a woman, only for this reason that she was alone to the bazaar”. My uncle added, “That situation was too bad for a woman on that time.”

Fortunately, now, girls can go to the schools and have Right to receive education. In schools they are taught all the subjects along with some religious subjects.

We can’t say all of the problems are resolved, but it’s better than that time.

After the fall of Taliban era, situation of Afghanistan gradually become good. When we compare today’s situation with the period of Taliban today is much better than that time.

About the author


Susan Hasanzada is graduated from Journalism Faculty of Heart University. She is a reporter in Zohal Universal Radio as well as a social Writer for Filmannex. She is very interested of women affairs, and thinks that women as the half part of the society should take their real responsibility in…

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