Who Would Play You In The Movie Of Your Life?

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Let's all imagine for a moment that Hollywood came calling with an offer to make a movie about your life up to this point. You are given total creative control, which means you get to choose the person who will play you. Who would you choose, and why?

My biggest issue would be that it would need to be a Scottish actor, as there is nothing worse than someone trying to pass themselves off as Scottish on screen, only to sound as though they have a mouth full or marbles or some horrendous speech impediment that makes every 4th word sound vaguely Celtic in origin.

I'd love to say that Gerard Butler or Ewan McGregor would be my +Personal choice, but since women tend to swoon at their feet, they would nor really be very realistic choices, unless of course either one of them agrees to hours in the make-up chair getting goblin prosthetic's and a fat suit applied.

That pretty much leaves Gregor Fisher as the man who would be the perfect fit to play me. he has the accent and the body type to pull it off quite nicely. For those of you unfamiliar with the man, I have included a clip of him in action below.

Who would you guys choose?

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