imran khan

Imran Khan Niazi (born 5 October 1952) better known as Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician, former cricketer, philanthropist, cricket……
Imran Khan Niazi (born 5 October 1952) better known as Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician, former cricketer, philanthropist, cricket……
It is quite difficult to reflect the whole philosophy of my mind on this important topic in a few verses but I am starting with important……
The Best Quote written about mother Mother is the most sweetest word in the world. 1. Abraham Lincoln - -Whose parents……
Part1 Love is a mystery It is circulated in the Christian faith, in the definition of love. The sentence is true spirituality, but……
I saw how to go away a nearest man. I saw how to break a dream. I saw how to crying memories and feeling at deep night. I learned……
Your personality is what conceives you Makes you loyal, and others perceived so make your self unique as infact all of us are unique……
Pakistan came into existence in 1947 after a long struggle of the Muslims of India. The Muslims of India have been fighting against……
It is the nature of man to believe that someone created him, his fellow beings, this universe, earth and it’s all creatures.……
The system of basic laws and principles according to which a state is governed is called constitution. Objectives Resolution 1949……
Pakistan came into being in 1947, after a long struggle. The Indian Muslims had been fighting against the English and the Hindus for……
As I told and mentioned at the first part of this topic, that it would be continued in two parts, this is the second and the last……
Social media network is familiar name, a name which everyone know about it and in today’s society every person can use it of……