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" Islamic values"


The Arabic word "hajab" has a literal translation into " veil" .Adherents of Islam believe that it was orignally implemented by Al…

by jenefir

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" Generation gap"


The generation gap is something in which there are complications between two generations.Just like parents and children.No doubt t…

by jenefir

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According to greek mythology , agamemnon was the son of (Atreus) and the brother of (Menelous), King of Sparta.He was married to C…

by jenefir

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"Irony in Oedipus Rex"


The success of Oedipus rex as one of the great tragedians is largely due to the brilliant interplay of dramatic irony.Sophocles cr…

by jenefir

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" Corruption"


''corruption'' Our warfare is not against flesh and blood, But against principalities and powers and wickedness in the high place.…

by jenefir

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