Experience is Everything!

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Its an overused and cheesy saying, but trust me when I tell you. Experience really is everything in the media industry. For you even  come close to getting your foot in the door you need to be:

  • Driven
  • Persistant
  • Self-Motivated
  • Confident
  • Sociable
  • Adaptable
  • Function under stressful conditions

Put off yet? I very nearly was until I began to find both myself and the things I enjoyed doing as not only a film student but a film maker. I found myself leaping into areas I never would of ventured with the mindset of ‘If you don’t ask you don’t get’. I never feel the need to prove my worth to anyone but myself and I think thats really important. A very key skill I learnt was to not take criticism to heart, easier said that done, but instead mould and adapt to new situations. Embrace the challenges your choices have presented you with and know that ultimately YOU have the option to invoke a change.

When I first began applying for work experience opportunities, never did I imagine opportunities could indeed snowball and fall at my feet. Learning that everything in this world is within reach and as Steve Jobs once wisely said- those who never think they can change the world seldom do. I’m not setting my aspirations as high as to create a mass perspective change. I’m not even dreaming of ‘making it big’ – I’m just a girl who loves what she does. And thats make films. Tell a story. Give the facts. Make people think.

I’m fascinated by the human mind, how we think, how we change- how we grow. The way thoughts can provoke feelings and imitate situations we have never even considered or encountered before.  Another blog another time I think. But the bottom line is I’m putting my thoughts feelings and opinions down here. So hopefully this can be of help to someone and even as a base for myself to reflect when I get complacent with my own film making.

Thanks for Reading-

Katie Aldridge

About the author


Film is my life choice not my hobby. Its what I wake, live and breath for. My every thought, my every action. Why stop doing what you love doing if you can make a career out of it? So in a few simple words- I'm Katie and I have a…

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