Knowing and Re-Discovering Important Facts through bitlanders Survey Chat

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Hello once again awesome members of bitLanders. Here I am, writing another blog for the double rewards topic... the bitLanders Survey Chat

(Image is created by jikZ - symbol representation of bitLanders Survey Chat equals bitMiles reward and finding/re-discovering information)


For those who are not aware or for all of my new subscribers, this is my 3rd blog regarding the Survey Chat. To re-cap, listed below are my first two blogs – as well as the aspects that each blog is focused on.

The Awesome jikZ Experience Answering the bitLanders Survey Chat

• Mechanics, how it works, and other important information regarding the survey Chat
• My awesome experience answering participating in the site's latest feature to earn rewards

Benefits of the Survey Chat and Reasons Why WE Should DO It

• Benefits the member will acquire when answering the survey
• Reasons why members should partake in the survey
• Additional information and updates happening in the Survey Chat

(Image is created, snipped, and edited by jikZ)


The Purpose of this Post

This post actually serves three main purpose – each one are discussed below.

i. To Inspire and Serve as Reference to other members

You see, when I wrote my second blog regarding the particular 2x-rewards topic, I told myself that I would hold off writing anymore blogs about the Survey Chat to give chance to other members who have not yet submitted their own blogs.

Unfortunately, many of the blogs being submitted only focuses on the mechanics and 10BM rewards aspect of the Survey Chat.

Obviously, there are more to the Survey Chat than just these two factors. In my second blog, I actually discussed other beneficial qualities of the survey in the hopes that other members who noticed missing items in that post, would submit a blog to let others know.

Basically, what I'm saying is that we can avoid saturating the site with submitted blogs that covers the same features of the Survey Chat. Needless to say, it offers other important aspects aside from the ones of how it works and how much rewards one can get.

ii. To give a concrete example of the Survey Chat benefits

Since I did not provide any example showcasing the benefits of the Survey Chat on my second blog, I will do so on this one – as I have found the perfect one wherein many members can relate to.

iii. To Provide Updates

It has been weeks since bitLanders launched the Survey Chat. I noticed a few changes that has already been implemented which I would show and discuss through the course of this blog.


The Vital Role of Trees

(Photo Source: Google Images)

Let us now move on as many readers are probably (and already) wondering what important and relevant information I have Discovered and Recalled while answering the questions of the bitLanders Survey Chat.

As mentioned, one of the cool things and awesome benefit about the site's survey feature is that it covers interesting subjects. Just recently, Micky asked me a series of questions that somewhat relates a tree's vital role in deterring climate change. Since I am quite the renewable energy enthusiast (I actually wrote a blog about it entitled Curbing Global Warming - lets help preserve the world), you can only imagine the eagerness I felt when I came across those questions.

Anyway, after completing the questions, the survey triggered something. I do somewhat "recall" that trees have an internal process (photosynthesis) that takes out carbon dioxide out from the atmosphere. I vaguely recalled this information as it has been part of our country's school curriculum for science subjects at elementary and high-school level.

Of course, the only natural thing to do is to "re-discover" that information through reading and research – and in doing so, I have expanded my knowledge about the vital role of trees in limiting climate change.

To avoid making this blog too technical and full of scientific jargons, I have provided the video below for your informational convenience. The video explains the crucial role of trees in curbing climate change

(Video courtesy of


Now, that I have already tackled how answering the bitLanders Survey Chat triggers and helps re-discover dormant knowledge, let us move on how the site's latest reward feature delivers interesting and relevant information.

NASCAR’s Clean Air Tree Planting Program

As can be seen on the boxed items above, besides asking questions, it seems that Micky also gives out tidbits of interesting trivia. I am unaware of the two boxed items above and engaging in the Survey Chat gave me knowledge of it (thanks a lot bitLanders for the info)

Additionally, since I am quite fond of racing and a fan of NASCAR, I visited the link given by Micky and was glad that I did. It turns out that NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) is more than just hosting auto-racing sports events. Beginning 2008, the company launched NASCAR Green and has been more environmental conscious wherein it has been partnering with different organizations, bodies, institutions that share the same sentiments.

On the other hand, the website provided by Micky indicates that the NASCAR Green Clean Air Tree Planting Program has already planted more than 400,000 trees. That is an impressive feat and I hope that they would be able to plant more.

Anyway, here is a video borrowed from showcasing how NASCAR "Green Clean Air" Program and Kentucky Speedway benefited the Kenton County School District 


Latest Updates on the bitLanders Survey Chat

Finally, we arrive on the last portion of this post. Please be informed that what I will be putting here are based on personal observations and not officially announced by the site.

i. Hillary is not the only one facilitating the survey

Interestingly, there are times that whenever I log in at the Global Chat, three bitLanders staff (chatbots) will facilitate offer the survey. These are Hillary-Summers, Micky-the-slanted-salerno, and Bitlanders. Originally, and based on Micky's blog (Share your thoughts and Earn bitMiles points with the new bitLanders Survey Chat), Hillary is the one who will conduct the survey.

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)


ii. Some questions are worth 30 BM

Yes folks! You read that right, some questions are worth 30 BM. At first I thought, that it was special only to the Bitlanders chat-bot. However, I was surprised when Micky also rewarded me with 30 bitMiles for answering his questions.

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)


iii. More Opportunities to Earn Rewards

I am unsure if the following photos that I have captured and edited are related with the Survey Chat since all three boxed items have the word "Chat" in it (Nascar Green Chat, NBA Cares Chat, and Amorino Chat) and all are found on the bitMiles website.

However, one thing that I am certain of is that the above are signs of good things to come. Not only are those additional opportunities for us members to earn more rewards – but it also means that the site is exerting an effort to support / promote programs and institutions that shows concern and helps other people.

So what are you waiting for, answer the Survey Chat now to learn something new, re-discover stock knowledge, and of course, to earn more rewards.

About the author


nothing about jikZ is interesting.
Now that's interesting (*'▽'*)
K. Thanks. Bye. *poof* magic jikZ is gone to wander around bitLand :D

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