Love Your National Language

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I Am sharing with you my personal experience about language protection. i have seen many parents and families who feel proud to say that their children are very good in English or any other language but they do not care about their own national language. in the current time every body emphasis to learn English.

 As i saw if some one is speaking English, reading English and wants to learn English is a proud full thing to their parents. but if some one wants to do masters in Urdu or perfect in Urdu that has nothing  importance. parents feel pride to their children who are perfect in English. 

      Although English is a business language and most important also. a intense need of English in all over the world to survive . but your own national language URDU is not less important. a person who is fluent in Urdu or can not speak English mostly people tend to think that he is old fashioned we can not feel the importance of our own language. we are not loving and protecting our own language.

        i have seen many people who happily and proudly says that they flunked in Urdu paper  and got highest marks in English. ofcourse there is an intense need of English to move on and to survive. but if we talk about the developed countries like CHINA, they love their language and feel the importance of their own language. 

presidents, leaders addresses in their own language and use the help of translators while communicating with other countries. they protect their language.

                If i talk about my own country a leader who can not speak ENGLISH fluently we all suddenly say ohhhh who he is , how he became a leader he do not  know ENGLISH fluently. we never see the talent and intelligence level of a person through their knowledge, we only think a person is successful and talented if he is perfect in English. we people do not give the importance and protection to our language. even it is an honor to represent you through your national language in all over the world.

                  Feel the importance of URDU and love your  language. do not feel shy to speak in Urdu every where. feel proud to speak in URDU. URDU is our identity protect your identity and love your language. realize the sweetness and importance of URDU.

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just different.........

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