Social Media

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Social Media quote that Human is well known as a social animal. He wants to live in society in people, among the, with the people, wants to keep the relations in the form of kinship. Human kept this tendency from the first day and likely up to the last day. It can be said that it is human’s built in tendency.

In past man could not console his instinct as he wanted to keep. Obviously the reason was very clear and vivid, that is lack in communication and sources. Honestly human is very happy and satisfied as his feelings behind his instinct as being consoled and satisfied, by using the social media. Human is thanking the inventor of mobile and its applications which have made the people connected globally through the social media. Whole world is in his hand in the form of mobile, tablet, internet and he is enjoying Face book, Twitter,  Viber, Whats app, Hangouts and many others. Basically man wants to live together and have curiosity a lot. He wants to know what is happening in his surrounding and also wants to make known people about him and his achievements. The media is providing him grounds and he is happy and satisfied.

As for as his bright aspects are concaved the effectively and vitality is confirmed but it has some dark aspects as well, but let me say this is not the fault of media or the invention but the usage has made something fishy in it. Everybody should know as the time passes the demands and requirements of human have also changed shape of human requirement but a contemporarily correct. It is cry of the day, becoming life and blood of human’s life. So everybody should use it properly and also use media sensibly and responsibly.

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