Video Credits: Pilipinas News via YouTube
Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders
(Image created via Canva)
Working from home is not anymore a new thing for most of the members in Bitlanders. Some of our friends from this site may have been working online for years and for others, it may be their main source of income while there are a few who are doing it to have an extra income or an additional source for that matter.
Image Credits: Free-Photos via Pixabay
With the current technological advancement, opportunities are continuously adding up making it possible for any individual to work everywhere. Communicating with clients and customers is now much easier. The technology is continuously evolving making almost everything possible. Because of increasing awareness, many people around the world are taking advantage of the opportunity to work from home.
Whatever the reason for such a choice of work, I know that we are doing it on our own will because we can see a positive result.
What Made You Decide to Start Working From Home?
Image Credits: DarkWorkX via Pixabay
I started working online since 2012 and I am grateful for this discovery that enables me to get an additional source of income which helped me with my daily expenses. For seven years, I have been benefiting from this activity. And I have no plan of stopping even if my youngest daughter would be graduating this year.
I am aware that members of the site came from different countries and the opportunities, as well as the amount we earn, may vary depending on several factors. One of the most known reasons was the opportunity to work in the comfort of our home. Meaning, we can set our own schedule, we can work wearing anything, freedom from commuting and many other reasons.
Because of the difficulties brought by several factors, such as heavy traffic and the increasing cost of the fare, many individuals opted to leave their jobs and started to find a job that they can do while at their home.
Are You Currently Employed But Looking Forward to Being Able to Work From Home?
Image Credits: KaboomPics via Pixabay
If you are currently employed in a private company and you think that your tasks include those things which can be done from home with the same result, here is an answer to your prayer.
The Telecommuting Act
Image Credits: Succo via Pixabay
In order to recognize the value of labor, being the primary social economic force, the government came up with the law that would protect the right of the workers. This law is known as the Telecommuting Act.
Telecommuting as used in this Act is the arrangement entered into by and between an employer and an employee of a private sector allowing the letter to work using an alternative workplace with the use of telecommunication or the computer technologies. Source.
With the current technological advancement which gives the employees an alternative way to perform the tasks required of them, the government deemed it necessary to set this law that will provide the guidelines which will be favorable to both the employer and the employee. This law would allow telecommuting to capable employees.
What Are The Benefits of the Law
The law is applicable to private companies in the Philippines. The company may offer this program to its employees on a voluntary basis. The terms and conditions should be agreed upon by both parties. The guiding principles set forth by the labor code should be the basis for such. The terms and conditions should include the basic things necessary such as the regular work hours, compensation, overtime pay, rest days among others.
The law includes the following areas of concern:
Fair Treatment
Image Credits: Wokandapix via Pixabay
The employer should ensure that the telecommuting employee receives the same treatment as the other employees in terms of benefits, pay rate, workloads, and other work-related concerns.
★Pay Rate
Image Credits: StevePB via Pixabay
The pay rate should commensurate the employee's effort and should not, in any case, be lower than the rate set forth by the law.
★Rest Days
Image Credits: Rhythmuswege via Pixabay
The employees should be given the same rest days, leave privileges including holidays and special non-working holidays.
Image Credits: Pexels via Pixabay
Telecommuting employees should be provided with workloads and performance standards similar to those employees within the vicinity of the company.
★Training and Career Development Opportunities
Image Credits: Geralt via Pixabay
Employees under the telecommuting program should be given the same opportunity to undergo training, seminars and other capability enhancing programs.
This law will somehow help those employees who are capable of doing their jobs even at their own home. Though this would still be subject to testing in order to fully evaluate if the program would be effective.
Here is another video about working from home that hopefully could help everyone who is planning to switch a home-based career. Enjoy watching!
Video Credits: ABS CBN News via YouTube
On the final Thought:
The law was recently approved and the Department of Labor and Employment was tasked to create the pilot program as well as the implementing rules and regulation.
Thank you for dropping by and I hope that through this blog post, you were able to learn additional information that will help you in achieving a successful career.
More from this Author:
★Online Transcription Jobs: A Guide for Beginners
★How to Work From Home as Search Engine Evaluator
★How to Start an Online Teaching Career
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are that of the author and does not in any way represent the agency or department she currently belongs.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The sites mentioned in this post are for information purposes only and links are provided for easy access. The author does not receive any remuneration from the said companies or sites.
Written for Bitlanders
by ♥Sharon Lopez
Date: March 31, 2019
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