Pakistan Army ........( Pak Faujj )

God says in years 71 : 31- None except Heknows the army of your Lord'. There are armed soldiers in soul.Their realC……
Greetings, GMRF’s mission to help children in some of the world’s most desperate areas where access to medical services……
A new viral video in the robotics world shows the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funded Boston Dynamics lab’s……
ANP, responsible for security of millions of people is accused of massive corruption. We are located……
“Omar Khadr was a child soldier and our experience around the world clearly indicates that a system focusing on rehabilitation……
I'm not sure if it was the current U.S. debate over gun laws after the Colorado shooting or my own stance on the 2nd Amendment……
Children have not only been targeted for murder and torture but have also been employed as human-shields by the Assad Regime……