Film Development: THE ART BOOK

When a project is in development stage, specially in the first part without so much images and without money, there´s several document……
When a project is in development stage, specially in the first part without so much images and without money, there´s several document……
BY: Nicole Tan Lilith فلم Eric Chang کی بنائی ہوئی ہےجس کو La Jolla کیلفورنیا میں منعقدہ انڑنیشنل……
BY: Nicole Tan Lilith, a film directed by Eric Chang, has been nominated for several awards in the upcoming International Fashion……
Ok, a few days I told you about how I work making the art direction of a movie, now I just want to share two more things about our……
Maybe this blog is going to be a kind of boring for some filmmakers, because this is something that we all know about the process……
Hello again! I´m really happy about your feedback, comments and e-mails on the drawings that I posted, that´s why now I´m collecting……