Accounting Information system

Organization these days try their best to ease their information systems that help them to perform efficiently and effectively. But……
Organization these days try their best to ease their information systems that help them to perform efficiently and effectively. But……
Empowering people to be thought leaders has always been my mission. This applies when I teach Judo to kids or when I discuss a business……
The elections come and go. 6 billion dollars were estimated to be spent for those elections and 2 billion for the presidential race.……
Can social media influence the results of the presidential election? Can it predict the winner? Today is Election Day. American people……
This morning, we voted here in the USA. It is a great feeling when you walk out of the booth and know you gave your contribution to……
At the precipice of presidential elections in America, news media corporations instigate a barrage of clandestine activities in search……
"One of the things the US has always done well is take care of its vets..." So assumes Scott Weisman, a financial executive, in the……
Barring a cataclysmic act of God or an unforeseen Craigslist photo scandal, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is going to……
In the last two weeks, the presidential candidates have been focusing on the current events in Afghanistan and stating that it's time……
Victory by Rick Santorum in 3 states (2-7-2012) places Republican Nomination process back to start. It also brings to forefront the……
Even more impressive for January in that the number of people who were looking for employment found work. Jobs created this month……
Newt is like that sports team that just when it gains the momentum and looks headed for the win, drops the ball. He lost Florida after……
Secret social media firepower behind Presidential Campaign Managers? Money and social media will more than ever determine the results……
Florida will be even more money barrage upon primary election. Reloaded by ever more Super Pac money ammo, Gingrich overtook Romney’s……
$6 to $8 Billion will be spent on 2012 US elections, a geometric rise from just a few years earlier, but how will money be spent?……
Surprising Rick Santorum’s failure (See Latest Poll #’s below) to capture the support of the Christian conservative vote, but……