My life

Brahim Aghzaf On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... that virtue cannot separate itself from reality without……
Brahim Aghzaf On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... that virtue cannot separate itself from reality without……
To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of……
GOD always plans the "BEST" things for us. Sometimes we feel left out, but actually, GOD is saving something better than we……
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies commonly referred to as Bitcoin 2.0 projects, have the potential to alleviate the worst forms of……
Yes! a lot of great things happen when we are patiently waiting. Not all the things that we need and we want will automatically and……
It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It is a heritage instilled in humans, animals, nature and objects that provides……
It has been said in Holy Quran that: “O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for those before you (are enjoined) that you……
in the Islamic calender ramzan came after the month of sahban in this month all the ghost were put it into the Prision and there is……
Nature of Humans Steven Pinker said, “ Human nature is complex. Even if we do have inclinations toward violence, we also……
The Holy Prophet continued his mission. He asked people to follow the path Allah Almighty had chosen for them. As Holly prophet got……
Hospitable man is one who freely admit to his house friends and in some cases strangers are also gave them food and lodging when necessary……
THE IMPORTANCE OF GAMES AND SPORTS IN OUR LIFE By sports we mean out-door recreations. There are two elements in it; first, the element……
“Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depends on simpilicity ”, said Plato. No doubt……
Negli scorsi mesi non mi sono di certo trattenuto nel raccontare le discriminazioni e le ingiustizie subite dai cittadini sauditi……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
Back in the late 1980's I was a student of and sparing partner to a great martial artist named William Oliver. I had to get permission……