Philippine Eagle Center Tour

Image credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders Traveling is not just something that we do out of want but of the need to unwind,……
Image credits: Jean Beltran uploaded via bitLanders Traveling is not just something that we do out of want but of the need to unwind,……
Video credits: GMA News via YouTube In the year 2015, news about the death of a Philippine Eagle named Pamana circulated……
एक गरुड आणि एक घुबड, फार दिवस एकमेकांशी भांडत असत. शेवटी……
Last night I was shared an amazing video on Facebook........ After watching and listening to it I was totally amazed! What talent!……
Carrying the motto " A symbol of pride for the nation " , Flying high in the skies like shaheens are they, who are pilots of……
It is the last and most important part of “Eagles our friends” which will tell us that how eagles are our……
In 2012, in Arabian countries, several smugglers had been caught during transferring the prey (eagles) foreign illegally.……
These Arabian people buy Eagle from Pakistan by paying amount of lacs to Baluchi people that catch Eagles. That’s……
Thousands years ago when Man started to rear the animals, then cow, ox, buffaloes, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, dogs, camels,……