The Discovery of Neptune

On 23rd September 1846 the planet Neptune - now the furthest discovered planet from the Sun again, since Pluto has been relegated……
On 23rd September 1846 the planet Neptune - now the furthest discovered planet from the Sun again, since Pluto has been relegated……
SUN:- ……
The study of physics is the study of the universe and more specifically, just how the universe works. It is without a doubt the……
Newton gave a mathematical relationship between the applied force on a body, acceleration and mass of the body which is known as Newton’s……
There had been little development in science during the long span of middle ages (c.500 to 1350 AD) as the Catholic papacy had staunchly……
"Misura ciò che è misurabile e rendi misurabile ciò che non lo è." Galileo Galilei - Padre della scienza……
"Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so measurable." Galileo Galilei - The Father of Modern Science ___________________________________________……
Ogni mattina, in ogni angolo del mondo, il sole sorge. E per ogni creatura, è un nuovo giorno, pieno di opportunità.……
Every morning in every corner of the world, the sun rises, and for every creature, it's another day of opportunities. Some fail to……
یہ پہلا وقت ہوسکتا ہے کہ سر اِساک نیوٹن، فلم انیکس، گیلیلیو گیلائلی……
This may be the first time that Sir Isaac Newton, Film Annex, Galileo Galilei, and Afghan Proverbs……
Muhammad died in 632 A.D. as the result of eating poisoned lamb. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727 C.E. probably from a kidney……