Offer and Acceptance

Q. How does an invitation to treat differ from an offer? The main distinguishing factor between an invitation to treat and an offer……
Q. How does an invitation to treat differ from an offer? The main distinguishing factor between an invitation to treat and an offer……
Two lawyers are in a bank, when, suddenly, armed robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers,……
Two lawyers are in a bank, when, suddenly, armed robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers,……
Pakistan is an Islamic country, where women are given with all the rights that are given to men. Pakistani women are……
The problem of unemployment among the educated young men in our country is an acute one. It is not possible to gauge the extent of……
We live in a Islamic society and Islam give importance to the woman in the society and give them honorable and respectable status.……
‘Hells people say to heavens people that you would not win any suite against us as we have all lawyers’. It’s a……
The newspaper is most powerful of all organs for the expression of news and views about me and things. With the growth of literacy……
My name is Muhammad Arsalan I live in a little village name Pharhala. Pharhala is a very beautiful village distance of two miles from……
There was a time when education of women was opposed tooth and nail by many in Pakistan. Even today, the orthodox are opposed to educating……
I was reading a book recently and it mentioned very briefly about the Son of Liberty. So naturally, I wanted to know more about……