Suicide Bombing Kills 14 in Attack on Restaurant in Kabul Diplomatic Enclave

Kabul (Afghanistan) – Three suicide bombers attacked a Lebanese restaurant in heart of Kabul on late Friday, killing over 14,……
Kabul (Afghanistan) – Three suicide bombers attacked a Lebanese restaurant in heart of Kabul on late Friday, killing over 14,……
昨晚我出席了一个鼓舞人心的活动,它感动了在场所有的参与者。全球医疗救济基金(The Global Medical……
Matthieu Aikins è uno scrittore che vive a Kabul, Afghanistan e scrive articoli sul Centro e Sud Asiatico per……
Matthieu Aikins is a writer who lives in Kabul, Afghanistan, and reports on Central and South Asia for magazines like Harper's, Rolling……
昨晚我出席了一個鼓舞人心的活動,它感動了在場所有的參與者。全球醫療救濟基金(The Global Medical……
La scorsa notte ho preso parte ad un evento emozionante e stimolante, non solo per me, ma per tutti i suoi partecipanti: The Global……
Last night I attended an emotional and inspirational event, not only for me, but for all its participants. The Global Medical Relief……
The Killer Siyar Bahadurzada, was born in Kabul Afghanistan during Internal War and problems inside his country Kabul Afghanistan……
عید یکی از بهترین فرصت های شادمانی عموم مردم، مهلت فراموش کردن غم و اندوه……
Kabul Education Univecity (KEU) is the newest Univercity in the country, located in Kabul the capilate of Afghanistan. First, it was……
آج مین انڑنیٹ پر مختلف سایٹس دیکھ رہاتھاکہ میں نے انجلیناجولی جوکہ ایک امریکن……
Everyday just waking on the streets of Kabul you will see people who are so much busy in their……
Thinking of how companies like Film Annex is improving rapidly makes me believe more on my……
Schools in Afghanistan are one of those factors which have changed people’s life and its number……
People in and outside the country always think that Kabul……
This is my very first time finding an educational work place like……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
In Astrology, we are lead to believe, changes in our lives are in direct correlation to changes in the stars, planets and universe. ……
I have been doing posts on Afghanistan since almost a year now. And, it gives me great pleasure to read about the this new face of……
Here's a man after my own heart: Sam French, the founding director of Development Pictures in Kabul, Afghanistan. He's into many different……