Barbarism and Honor Killings are at its Peak

In my previous blog i have written about honor killing in Pakistan.……
In my previous blog i have written about honor killing in Pakistan.……
Women have no consideration, honor and value in the society of Pakistan. The “Honor Killing” tramples the woman rights……
Last night i was surfing on TV in search of good entertainment, when i saw a show on news channel which highlight the dark corner……
Today, woman is facing many problems, the main problem one of those is 'honor killing'.Recent cases about this so-called honor killing……
Life of women in Pakistan is not easy. Every day new cases of sexual assault, rape, Vani, and Karo kari emerges at the stage of Pakistan.……
WOMAN ,the most important part of our society actually the heritage of our country have certainly played a very predominant role in……
I was surfing on internet in search of some information about my new blog topic “love as taboo in Asia” when the article……
Yesterday I was sitting idle when my mother came and told me the gloomy news about the woman who was set on fire by his husband because……
Ricordo bene come mi sembrava la vita quando avevo 20 anni. È stato uno dei momenti più emozionanti che abbia vissuto……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
انڈونیشیاء Indonesia دنیا کاچوتھا بڑاگنجان آباد ملک ہےـ 238 لوگ Archipelago مجمع……
Rape is not just a normal felony. It's a crime of its own kind that should be assessed and judged separately from any other offense.……
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 238 souls live in this archipelago of over 17,000 islands, which……
Anusha was a young woman from a remote village in the southern district of Kotli, in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region. Anusha……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
Some people kill for greed. Some people do it for power. Some kill because triggered by uncontrollable passion. Others do it just……
I don't have children, but I've always heard that losing your child is the biggest pain a person can experience in life. It……