My Reference to Get a Great Audiobook

If you have read my previous blog titled 4 Things You Can Do While Listening to an Audiobook, you might notice that I am fond of the……
If you have read my previous blog titled 4 Things You Can Do While Listening to an Audiobook, you might notice that I am fond of the……
I and my boyfriend went to the theater sometime ago, hoping to catch a movie that will delight our imagination. We are fond of watching……
Katniss returns
President Snow's Quote on What Makes a Man Fall. "It's the things we love the most that destroys us." -President Snow from the movie MockingJay……
Stalked her since I was five, then I got put in a game where I had to kill her. So, kids, that was how I met your mother. - Peeta……
Il genere distopico è nato in letteratura con la descrizione di "mondo indesiderabile sotto ogni aspetto" (solitamente, futuro).……
Chi non conosce gli Hunger Games? La trilogia è diventata famosa non solo per i libri ma anche i primi due film che hanno ottenuto……
Il 2014 sarà un grande anno per l'industria cinematografica, infatti, sono in dirittura d'arrivo molti grandi successi e sequel.……
2014 will be a big year for movies as many blockbusters and sequels are expected. Let's see which ones already get some buzz. Divergent.……
The second installment of the Hunger Games, "Catching Fire" premiering today across the United States has already sparked up reviews……
Forget about The Hunger Games! The new dystopian movie has arrived! It is based on a best seller, targeted for a young adult audience,……
The marketing department of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire got very inspired this time, with this new artistic poster promoting the……
At some point during the week, many of us usually wonder, hmm, I what movie do I want to watch this week? Well, for those……
America can't get enough of Miley Cyrus and she keeps the entertainment coming. Most recently fans reported and discovered Miley……
Have you ever wondered what it takes to write a best-selling trilogy? I know whom we can ask; that is the epic American writer of……
A new Image from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, featuring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, has surfaced online. See……
We can see Jennifer Lawrence in some sort of chair in this new image from the upcoming film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. What……
A new poster for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was released from its instagram account. Katniss Everdeen has returned……