Dark Chocolate and Its Healthy Benefits

Video credits: a2ztube Nutrition via Youtube When I was a kid, my parents will usually buy us plenty of chocolates,……
Video credits: a2ztube Nutrition via Youtube When I was a kid, my parents will usually buy us plenty of chocolates,……
Photo credits: alittlebityummy.com Nuts are one of the healthiest food that you can eat. Nuts are rich in antioxidants,……
Here is a 13-minute video on 25 Best Superfoods You Need To Start Eating Now Before I begin. Video Credit: list25 via Youtube……
Do you know what we can get from something that we used to do almost every day? Photo Credit: congerdesign via www.pixabay.com……
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Qoute by: Mahatma Gandhi Image Credits: https://longevity.media……
Hey! I m back with my another informative blog. I want to write about it from long but couldn’t find the time. In this article,……
Healthy Eating Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health,……
(image source: Plato Wraps (Official) via Facebook)Plato Wraps in a box! Good day everyone! It’s been a month since I wrote……
Photo Credit: http://flhealthinnovation.org My Personal Views About Being Healthy and How One Can Maintain a Healthy Life Good……
I was able to buy and tried this seldom seen leafy vegetable that is grown in the water.I just cook it a while in boiling water and……
Those who love Italy, also loves Italian cuisine. But what's so special about the Italian kitchen? Why are the Italians - like the……
3 typical spanish dishes you should try once in life Spain has an extensive, varied cuisine and above all: very tasty! So here on bitlanders……
Tomatoes - rich in vitamin c contents Hemp Seeds - contain good content of proteins Cucumber - rich in water content or high……
Bakit nga naman di subukan ang Tortang OKRA ? madali lang naman gawin at masustansya pa rin siya.. SANGKAP 1-2 tali ng okra 2……
INGREDIENTS Lamb or beef(minced) – ½ cup Broken rice – 2 small cups (soaked in water and later drained)……
One of the most popular fruit in the world being served on the table is the "banana fruit". People who tasted it describes the fruit……
Shrimp is one of the most love foods from the sea. It is not only for delicious cuisine that has yummy taste but it has also many……
HEALTH 100 RESTOREANT For those who are healthy conscious and who loves eating vegetables more, visit Health 100 Restoreant. This……
It is past 3 in the afternoon already! Snack time. Good thing that there is a vendor of kakanin(native delicacy) past by. I bought……
Hi, Had you have Oatmeal yesterday? Yes, yesterday 29th October was the day to celebrate National Oatmeal day. Normally I and my hubby……
As the branded company and media showing a product as healthy and as because all are accepting that as healthy that doesn’t……
We always forget about mentioning the emotional importance of food when we look at food and it's functions. We all know well that……
Food companies as we said before will not stop selling highly processed food with cheap raw ingredients plus preservatives and coloring……
We have outsourced the job of feeding them with food that is highly processed produced by companies that prioritize short term profits……