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Accidents are very common in big cities as there are many modes of transport and road are narrow and over crowded. We hear of them……
This is a compliation of funny accidents, you'll laugh till you drop. Like my video? Subscribe to watch more funny videos My chanel
In our daily lives accidents are always bound to happen. Some have good effects on society while others you wish you could forget……
Where mobile is useful there mobile also has brought some destructions. It is a useful way for communication among……
Attachment of soul to dead bodies in their graves are the ones who are confounded and go astray from His path. In serious discussions……
Ever thought about a time when you are trying to impress some one, or maybe you are possibly trying to be annoying, and at that instance,……
Responsibilities of Permit Receiver 1. Initiating and completing all applicable section of the permit to work. 2. Supervising the……
Human life is a bestowed blessing of Almighty Allah due to this blessing we can take benefit from other blessings and……
In under developing countries traffic signals are only in big cities. The most of the accidents are the cause of no traffic signals.……
Road safety is very important for all of us, infact it is one of the important issue now a days. The purpose of this blog is……
Say accidents are part of life. Perhaps just fine. For every small to large damage from the loss. Here I am writing this in a real……
TRANSPORT NETWORK OF PAKISTAN The transport network of Pakistan is described here:- ROADS. The network of Pakistan has developed so……
I use several means of transport in daily life such as bus, train, aero plane and ships. They are made for human beings who are making……
Some of the most amazing stories of that we hear on the news or from our friends and families are those of lucky people who……
Imagine having night vision, for your car. Well, this form of technology isn't anything new for human beings; however, we've……
As a driver on the road I have noticed a significant amount of accidents on the road, especially those moments where I’m……
Hey to all the drivers! Recently what caught my eye while driving is the amount of bikers on the road, especially highways that……
Please view my short flash animation I made about this poem at:……