与BLOCKCHAIN总裁的对话-NICOLAS CARY-比特币,数位货币,数位素养

La maggior parte di voi potrebbe aver letto o sentito parlare nei notiziari di questi giorni dei concetti di Valuta Digitale,……
I think most of you might have read or heard in the news these days about the concept of Digital Currency, Digital Money, Digital……
Il 2014 è appena iniziato. Un nuovo anno significa un nuovo capitolo ed un nuovo passo per cominciare tutto ciò……
2014 has just started. A new year is a new chapter and a fresh step of starting everything you missed or skipped during the past year.……
Matthieu Aikins is a writer who lives in Kabul, Afghanistan, and reports on Central and South Asia for magazines like Harper's, Rolling……
A Journey of Afghan Cricket team from Afghan Refugee Camps to World Cup 2015, the remarkable change in Afghanistan, cannot be ignored.……
“Fashion”, “Stylish” and “Neat” are the three words that today’s youths consider as much as a part of their life in……
آج انڑنیشنل آف فٹ بال ایسوسی ایشن FIFA نے افغانستان میں فٹ بال پراپنی امد نی……
Entertaining websites, such as Filmannex, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and G-mail are now changed into a varying force to Afghan youth.……
A big challenge Afghan youth have had since the last ten years was the lack of job opportunity for them. For example, 12 years ago,……
Today, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) published an article about its investment on Afghanistan's football.……
Since Facebook has emerged in Afghanistan among Afghan youth, political figures, and other people, the ground is……
Since the last ten years Afghan youth the same as other youth of the world that have joined the Facebook, they……
The youth have faced to Facebook a lot in the recent years in Afghanistan. Most of Afghan youth who use Facebook accounts,……
Article by Nikki Shaver Photo Courtesy: Ricymar Photography. The thought of parading the female form in Afghanistan is still……
Youth’s generations are columns of community. A nation and a society based on its youth generation can be stood. Youth of a……
It is another Friday of my life in NYC with all the incredible moments and memories it brings. On Tuesday night, I saw the Afghanistan……
“I was always fascinated by musical instruments as a child, so when I was six, I began taking piano lessons from a member of……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……