Can we count on your support?

Can we count on your help fellow MDF supporters? Donations for the playground and sunflowers are coming in but just barely. We can……
Can we count on your help fellow MDF supporters? Donations for the playground and sunflowers are coming in but just barely. We can……
We are going to build a playground! Michael's Dream Foundation is proud to be a part of a beautiful project underway in Onakewase,……
Hi everyone, How is everyone's Tuesday so far? We want to share a wonderful group of people with you all.……
bitCharities is the cause marketing side of bitlanders. bitCharities aims to educate users about social responsibilities and help……
Hero's of Pakistan Many people watch movies to see their's a hero,hero is main rule of any movie.Hero also exist in real life,they……
GIV.NYC – The #GivingTuesday with New York Style Image Source: GIV.NYC Website On December 1, 2015, the New Yorker will have……
Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign and Event NYC 2015 - I Chose Life Vest Inside What is Givkwik? Givkwik is a software……
Givkwik is an online fundraising platform that connect companies, nonprofits and communities with the goal to simplify philanthropy……
#MichaelsDreamBox is BACK! We are currently raising funds to send #MichaelsDreamBoxes filled with toys, to sick children based in……
Let us not forget.Sometimes we all wonder why our life's journey is not like we expected or wanted. The most important lesson we can……
We have some more great deals for you in the MDF Store with proceeds going towards making Michael's Dream come true! 60% OFF HOLIDAY……
bitCharities is a cause platform and the "social arm" of Its goal is to connect nonprofits with potential donors and……
Attention MDF Supporters. Please excuse any maintenance that you may experience in the next few months in regards to our foundation.……
ey Everyone! just so you know September is almost here. We need your help in making a Toy Delivery. MDF would like to make one more……
It's Christmas In July in the MDF Store! We have a holiday sale happening right now! These offers are only available until tomorrow.……
It's Christmas in July in the MDF Store! We're having a massive sale on holiday items! Don't forget; proceeds go towards making Michael's……
As many of our supporters know, MDF has made some successful deliveries of Michael's Dream Boxes to medical facilities that focus……
Good Friday everyone. Thank you to everyone that sponsored the Michael's Dream Flower project featuring the children's handmade sunflowers……
Welcome all new members. We are so thankful for your support towards Michaels Dream. Together we can continue to love and care for……
When we visited Atlanta's Scottish Rite Children's hospital last year we delivered Michael's Dream Boxes, we also stopped by the Ronald……
Michael's Dream Foundation was born in September. To honor this we have named our wishlist September Smiles. CLICK ON THE LINK This……
Hi everyone. MDF has decided to wait until next year to participate in the Charity Run event in London this September due to not enough……
Michael's Dream Foundation needs your support. Throughout the past few years we have all come together to produce small projects while……
#RT We are often asked "what is a pledge?" when we promote of pledge link for #MichaelsDream. Well to answer this question;……
I've been working with Ngorli for several years and this was my first trip to Africa. I have to admit being there was the most wonderful……
The Charity platform now accepts micro donations starting from 10 satoshis. bitLanders also decided that, for any……
bitLanders uses Bitcoin to reward its 500,000 users and content partners, while teaching them about the digital currency and……
Toby, a Sudanese who worked as a cleaner in the building where I was working in Dubai, United Arab Emirates became a friend……
Jed McCaleb the founder of MtGox and Ripple has launched a new digital currency called stellar. Jed has been working on this secret……
BitGive Foundation & The Water Project The BitGive Foundation is the first and largest nonprofit Bitcoin organization in the world……
Filantropia Digitale Crediamo che la filantropia digitale consista nel promuovere il benessere delle persone e del pianeta con la……
Digital Philanthropy We believe digital philanthropy is promoting the welfare of people and planet, with technology - while creating……
BitGive and QLF Incorporated BitGive is a Bitcoin Nonprofit organization using Bitcoin for charitable purposes. QLF Incorporated……
@Bitcoinlady - Alah Itireleng One of the most incredible stories in the Bitcoin Community is the story of Alah Itireleng of Botswana,……
QLF Incorporated (Quantum Leap Foundation) QLF Incorporated is joining Film Annex to gain Bitcoin revenue for our Nonprofit Digital……
QLF Incorporated is branching into Botswana, Africa to work with Alah Itireleng, the Ambassador of Bitcoin for Botswana. Visit……
Bitcoin for Botswana & QLF Incorporated: Bitcoin Nonprofit & Digital Philanthropy Have you heard……
SOS Children's Villages in Botswana, Africa. QLF Incorporated will be working with SOS and filming a short documentary with The Good……
Albert Einstein is known as a genius, as well as several other incredible minds in history. For some reason though, still to this……
If you've been a #bitconfused about bitcoin, or a #bitconfused about life in general, you've come to the right place.……
Discover Example Africa by Clicking Here! Example Africa What are the goals of Example Africa? Utilize current technology and digital……
Last night, while sitting with my fiance, listening to the nightly news, something caught my ear. The news story was about 400,000……
The Women’s Annex Foundation (WAF) is now officially a 501(c)3 designated non-profit organization from the Internal Revenue Service.……
First, the bad news: Last Thursday at Paul Henry Art Gallery's Acoustic Jam and Potluck, NOBODY WANTED A CARICATURE DONE BY……
The first time I went to Afghanistan as a 19-year-old American college student, I fell in love. Even though I lived in a neighborhood……
In her brief interview, Soraya Afzali is adamantly optimistic about her vision for the future of Afghanistan. It was inspiring to……
by Keisha Douglas On March 5, 2012, the infamous 'Kony 2012' video went live on YouTube. Within 24 hours the video had already made……