My Comeback Blog

Hi Guys! This is my comeback blog. My name is Vanity, or my name is jvanity1, but you can call me Vanity, because that's what the……
Hi Guys! This is my comeback blog. My name is Vanity, or my name is jvanity1, but you can call me Vanity, because that's what the……
images credits: Docxdrl via canva Hello !! These are Steps that lead to success on bitlanders In order to realize steps……
Hello fellows!! Photo Credits: Life is getting faster nowadays. Everyone is in hurry and chasing his……
Life As A Driller (Part 1) Image Source: kneelyrac via facebook Hi Guys! This is my first blog here in Bitlanders and the very……
ICC T20 world cup & Bitlanders Cricket Accessories ……
Some of the Great achievements of Pakistan throughout 2015 ……
Born: December 27, 1965 (age 50), Indore, India Height: 1.74 m Upcoming movie: Dabangg 3 Siblings: Arbaaz……
About the Show Dancing with the Stars is the dance competiton show in all over America to promote the talent starting since……
Street foods……
About the Show "So You Think You Can Dance" is an American TV reality show that is based on dance competition and it airs……
Bill Gates says the way to success is hard and difficult, way to success worries you, and vestigial difficulties and you will then……
Dear all, It gives me immense pleasure to share my second reward here at bitlanders community. I am so happy that my hard work paid……
"You can't just wait for food to fall down from a tree and eat it. Move your a** and find a job that put's food on your……
EL VALOR DE DISCIPLINA Por el término disciplina se entiende de acuerdo con las reglas. regla es una norma o principio establecido……
Run Run and Run I was in 9th class and whole of the school was competing for X-Country Running Championship in the winter days. The……
Les études servent pour le plaisir, pour ornement, et pour la capacité. Leur……
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. A few days later a small opening appeared in it. He sat and watched the butterfly for several……
Chacun de nous a un corps physique fait de muscles, le sang, les os et divers autres tissus vivants. Lorsque l'une de ces personnes……
Aim High Life is confusing, hard, having many problems ready for us to face. Wisdom lies in making it enjoyable throughout. What want……
How to study or how to prepare for the exams to get high scores is a widely asked question by the students in their college or school……
Years passed, the level of knowledge among people raised but still there is a big problem, a problem concerning the most vulnerable……
Meaning lguy impurity or dirt contamination and spreading of dirt into the natural environment means the natural or go though a person……
Today I am going to discuss the topic of this blog these as the community is very important. It not only shorten the only one racing……
Every one want to be succeed in the life, as people are engaged in various pursuits of their livelihood there are various concepts……
During this segment of society , there are some students who study a full , regular and constant practice can not afford . But after……
“Travelling in young age is a part of knowledge”. Man wants change, nobility and Varity. He feels bore with routine……
We are the results of our thoughts and actions, if we think positively, if we are successful in our mind, we are successful in this……
Much few people would be there in the world, who doesn’t want to be successful.……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
Those were his words, while listening to those words I felt a thrill coming through me, I felt I can move mountains, I can break rocks,……
When people with a fixed mindset are confronted with a difficult problem and experience early failure, they attribute that failure……
Pearlie, the woman who wants me to do a cartoon for her women's organization, says she has faith in my doing a cartoon that "grabs"……
Well, I went to church today and spoke to Cassie. She said she never got to get my information to the church elder but she will.……
One of our most beloved and well-known billionaires in the United States is the chairman of Nike that is, Phil Knight. Knight……