Artificial intelligence application in business.

Before I begin, here is a video on It's Not Magic. It's Data - Artificial Intelligence for Business Video Credit: Growth Tribe……
want to start own business..... do you have any suggestions please?
Live chat software businesses provide on-demand customer support right on their websites. Here's a list of live chat providers that……
There was a time when only used to believe in cash payments and then credit card payments. But now things have changed and you will……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher Trees Don’t……
How To Design A Website Homepage designUsability experts, including Jakob Nielsen and Kyle Soucy, have often emphasised……
Western businesses with Philippine offices may have a huge competitive advantage over their non-remote office peers. The available……
NAME:Fury - Youth Entertainment ProjectABRV: FURYTYPE: POSPOS MIN AGE: 30 MinutesPOS MAX AGE: 10 DAYSPOS ANNUAL INTEREST: 200% New……
The main technique used to manage an organization, with regards to its human resources, is the management of change. It is bringing……
Tutti noi sappiamo che le persone hanno bisogno di motivazioni per vivere bene. E sappiamo anche che il cibo dell'anima è……
We all know that people need inspiration to live well. And we also know that food for the soul is just as important as food……
There are thousands of problems in our country. All are taken. There are so many issues of each country. But our biggest problem is……
Film Annex is a blessing to me. It enables me to earn money for my cartoons, which is what I want. At the same time, I'm……
In our society Afghan women enjoying being told precisely what to do and how to do it, or would you rather work things out by yourself,……
An ambitious 23-year old entrepreneur from Scotland, Tom Walkinshaw, has started a Kickstarter campaign aimed to sell tiny,……
Well, I went to church today and spoke to Cassie. She said she never got to get my information to the church elder but she will.……
By building their own businesses, women in Afghanistan are sustaining their communities through years of conflict. Even in the most……
For the last 18+ years, Mina Lux has been working in digital media: marketing to women, empowering women, informing women and mentoring……
Introduction: This is Part Two of a two-part interview with Mohammad Sajid Arghandaiwal, a young documentary filmmaker,……
As the Internet is extending world widely; it will be available for much more people. Internet is an affordable, easy, and extended……
What is guilt, if not the "remorse caused by feeling responsible for some action or lack of action?" Living with the remorse of having……
"Monkey-Business with Statistics?-The stock-market has just recorded best 4 year rise even if it is more difficult for average citizens……
Social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn among others have hundreds of millions of subscribers……
In the Recently concluded Summer Olympics in London, Women from Islamic Country made a first step towards participation in sports……
This week, representatives of established press and media got in touch with Film Annex to express interest in our Afghan Development……
Despite threats from Taliban, insecurity and a challenging geography, a UN/Afghanistan government program to eradicate measles……
It might be difficult to gauge a women importance from a famous saying "behind every good man there is a woman or women" but the fact……
Central Asia: Central Asia, the cradle of civilization, with thousands and thousands of years of history, is……
A big part of Film Annex's business model involves social media strategies and advertising. Our model allows us to invest in Afghanistan's……
What you see here is three Internet Cables that will be used for the Afghan Internet network Film Annex is creating in Herat's schools.……
Film Annex has taken the decision to establish Film Annex Afghanistan with the cooperation of Citadel's Roya Mahboob - Software and……