Training robot for Mixed Martial Arts
How to care your skin? I care my skin alott so i thought why not to share with you all..!! First of all girls!! "Stay happy……
HELLO GUYS, I'm a fitness enthusiast. I hope I can help you guys by providing knowledge about fitness and bodybuilding and supplements.……
Staycation at St. Giles, Makati City I’m at St. Giles (for the second time) as I’m typing this entry. Sister was ecstatic……
Hello dear friends! How are you all doing? Hope all is good with you all! I know I wrote a blog about living in a healthy way, but……
you must spend some time for your health workout time relise your tensionLag ja
WORKOUT A1BARBELL SQUAT5 sets of 5 repsBarbell Squat Barbell Squat2BARBELL BENCH PRESS - MEDIUM GRIP5 sets of 5 repsBarbell Bench……
Building massive back muscles nοt οnƖу look ɡrеаt, bυt аƖѕο thеу аѕѕіѕt уουr……
I have noticed that I am gaining weight again after my two weeks vacation in the province. I have been lazy to do my simple routine……
SWEET POTATO A buff body isn't built by protein alone. Carbohydrates provide energy you need to work hard and play hard. Sweet……
CHICKEN BREASTWhy did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the hordes of bodybuilders chasing after it. Dumb joke, but it's……
SALMON FILLETSalmon has the prerequisite protein as well as the added benefits of unsaturated (good) fats. Hardcore lifters are often……
The greatest performance diets may seem complicated and fancy, but they are all built on a foundation of basic principles and……
THE TOP 5 EXERCISES FOR INCREASING TRICEPS MASS The Anatomy of the Bicep Before you jump into a workout routine and start throwing……
Homemade Weight Loss Drink With 0 Calories And A Ton Of Energy This drink is made with apple and cinnamon contains virtually……
Muscle Gain Tips For Skinny Guys 1) Do Stronglifts 5×5. That means barbell training. Squats three times a week. Presses.……
Upper Body Workout – The Ultimate Guide If you’re trying to bulk up, fill out your frame, and add some quality……
After bulk up or Off season, some guys aim for losing fat and keeping clean muscles. To be good looking at the beach, or to be attractive……
Life races past at 100mph and staying solid and staying in shape can be a difficult task when you're occupied. Here are 10 tips that……
Do the following stretches after a weights session to increase your flexibility and reduce injury risk Benefits of stretching……
I want to inspire people I want someone to look at me say "because of you I didn't give up" You work hard you will get results……
I want to inspire people I want someone to look at me say "because of you I didn't give up" You work hard you will get results……
Daily Burn is the future of online workouts. We have the whole package. Achieve your goals with our variety of workout videos, community……
Walking is good for our health. we should walk daily to improve our blood circulation and also reduce the excess fat in our bodies. ……
If you’re looking for exercises and workout routines, there are plenty of apps that can help (in fact, Fitbit just acquired……
Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility……
When we want to get in shape, we usually plan to do it during the spring, summer or even fall months. When it comes to winter workouts,……
We’re officially giving you permission to skip the gym. But don’t hop on the couch just yet—it’s time to head……
In essence it is taught that a proper exercise constant, improves the physical, there is ammalë, do not take bad disease, you……
Your Doc has said “Exercise!” The easiest way is a 20 minute workout to get and stay fit! We cannot read a magazine, watch……
Run Run and Run I was in 9th class and whole of the school was competing for X-Country Running Championship in the winter days. The……
Body Fitness: Now A Days,As We Look Around,Most Of Our Young Generation Or Youth Is Attracted Towards Their Physical Fitness,By Decorating……
Finally after 2 months gap i started going to Gym, I thought i might have put on some weight but to my surprise i lost about a KG……
The next exercise after the biceps is that of triceps. And the triceps exercise is a little bit difficult or heavy than……
Actor dave lageno has died while he went on a hiking trip with his friend to the death valley. A very nice actor with a great muscular……
As we have introduced the days of our daily basis gym exercises so the next one is the Wednesday. And the game on Wednesday……
Gym is slang for gymnasium and gymnastic services and gym is a place where we do different kind of exercises to keep ourselves……
Summer is approaching , it starts at the moment, with preparations to look better in a bathing suit . In this article, we are a very……
My name Is asad I born on 1 september 1993.i live in haripur, darwesh(Pakistan) my birth place is darwesh.i start school when I am……
To understand what we need to change, we have to see through the smoke and mirrors of the fitness and nutrition industry. First, the……
So what is the " paleo diet" ....??? You could Google the following phrase and get loads of complicated results, with mind……
In this blog I am going to write about Hazara Regional Body Building Championship, held today 22.12.2013. This competition was organized……
the most extreme sport ever is BODY BUILDING , that hard sport which eventually leads to a healthy , fit and strong body . it's……
Sport Sport is very effected for health also sport is a physical activities action the people do for fun And as way to complete with……
Strength of mind and body breeds confidence and confidence, as we know, is the key to success. But many of us are unsure as……
When you decide to start working out often it is a short lived decision, life gets in the way. I can't tell you how many……
On Saturday, February 11th, the Film Annex team visited Jacksonville, NC and met with 18 Marines to discuss employment opportunities……