Photography As A Trending Passion

What Is Passion? Passion is a natural gift given to us by someone. In simpler words Passion is given to us by Allah. Now day’s……
What Is Passion? Passion is a natural gift given to us by someone. In simpler words Passion is given to us by Allah. Now day’s……
(image source: Bear Grylls is an English traveller, author, explorer……
Good Profession Teaching I like teaching because it is a good profression.
Are you worried from household problems? I am not understanding that how to deal with the boss in office or in charge in the factory?……
What you say #Bitlanders, #Subscribers & #BuzzersHow About we get to know each other ??Lets #commute and #socialize meanwhile……
Career Educating With Continuing Education Occupation training is something lots of individuals look for through proceeding education.……
Career Training With Proceeding Education Occupation training is something several people seek via proceeding education and learning.……
Occupation Training With Continuing Education and learning Career training is something lots of people look for via proceeding education.……
A professional juggler, driving to his next performance, is stopped by the police. "What are you doing with these matches and……
That is an excerpt taken from an article in Time. Although that was a study done in US, it seems to hold true here in the……
My name is muhammad kalim.I am a teacher by profession.I have been teaching english for the last 17 years.I came to know about this……
Teachers are the most important educational resource for students and a critical determinant of education quality. However, in Pakistan,……
Flower symbolizes beauty and purity .Flower cultivation was done in Bangladesh as hobby .But recently people cultivate……
Whenever someone asks me "Why don't you teach at school?". I always say that teaching is not my calling. For me to become a teacher,……
Nursing is the protection, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human……
In the near past, women were considered inferior to men. They were debarred from taking part in social life. Their sphere of activities……
George Bernard Shaw was the modern dramatists. He was born and brought up in Ireland, but at the age of twenty in 1876. He left……
Aim in life is very important. Aim plays a vital role in human life. It shows what man wants for life. Aim guides the unguided, trains……
A post man is considered to be an important part of our society and is known as the public servant. He is found in every corner of……
As Pakistan is a agricultural country and most of the people who lived in our villages are adopted the agriculture has a profession.……
FEMALE EDUCATION Not long ago, the idea of women’s receiving education was supposed to be a revolting one. People thought that……
Beg poverty or professional but it’s a bad habit We exist anywhere; we all meet many people in the hands of the people……
“I am indepted to my father for living but to my teacher for living well”. According to “Plato” a teacher……
Stages of Student's Life and Enjoyment There are so many stages in human’s……
Nursing is the best profession of all other works.They play a very important role in the system of Hospital,without we can not handle……
Introduction Labor is one of the main problems of Pakistan. Thousands of people are working in factories, mills, workshops, sweet……
The progress and prosperity of a man is largely determined by his profession.the wrong choice of a career lead to grief and despair……
Today we talk about betterment of a country and its relation with English language in the developing of countries.Today the it is……
Now a day’s beggary is become a profession in all around the world as well as in Pakistan. According to my observation there……
The Six Articles of Faith. 1. Belief in one God. 2.Belief in Angels. 3. Belief in the Holy Books. 4. Belief in the Prophets. 5. Belief……
Showing love to Eve is not a big deal. you can gain her heart with little things. And now for you "Adam",,,,,"25" guaranteed ways……
This life is owned by Allmighty Allah. A blessing from him and we know that very well. One day this blessing will be taken back. In……
Showing love to your wife every day. Love doesn't mean five-star restaurants or tropical island getaways. It's the simple things that……
The impact of war and independence on journalism has been tremendous. War brought about a period of material prosperity for the press.……
Journalism if resorted of from mere mercenary purposes falls off from its high and noble ideals and is fraught with dangerous consequences.……
There are lots of roads twisting towards the ancient and old city of the Lahore. Wondering in its street you will come face to face……
***All of us like to get a profession that agree his/her ambition and desires,to be successful and distinctive in. But ,no one can……
Journalism is deteriorating into a profession in the modern World. It involves the literary business of editing of publishing……
Every man wants to adopt the best profession which is most respectable in the world. The reason is that, man is always known by the……
Discipline When a child grows on every step of life he is told about discipline .in school ,college and university life he is told……
Human is a super creation of God. Today he has explored the milky ways, he came over all the hurdles which came in his way……
Living a comfortable life is very difficult. A lot of challenges and hurdles come on every step of life. To face all these challenges……