Artificial Intelligence Inventions We Wish Have Been Made

Hi. Photo Source: Alisha Ober ( To be honest, I find it difficult to blog now because of the new blogging rules……
Hi. Photo Source: Alisha Ober ( To be honest, I find it difficult to blog now because of the new blogging rules……
Just last weekend, my father-in-law died of multiple organ failure due to a combination of pulmonary diseases:……
"If you can quit for a day, you can quit a lifetime." -Benjamin Alire Saenz_ Image credits: www_slons_pics via Pixabay The human body……
This is the Part Two of my blog 'Things the Filipinos should Change' and as promised, I will now be continuing what I was writing.……
1. Stay Away From SmokingRegardless of whether you smoke cigarettes, vape, or bite tobacco, you definitely realize that tobacco and……
Video Credit: Seeker via Youtube Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay / Edited with Photoshop My last blogs……
Video Credit: Seeker via Youtube Image Credit: markusspiske via Pixabay / Edited with Photoshop In my previous blogs, I have……
Video Credit: Healthveins via Youtube Image Credit: realworkhard via Pixabay / Edited with Photoshop On my last blog post, I talked……
Image Credit: geralt via Pixabay / Edited with Photoshop Cigarette smoking brings so much pleasure to many people but it is also……
Credits: “Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.” It a common sentence that we……
image source: user: mohammed_hassan Hello Bitlander friends! Today I want to talk about why vaping or e-cigarettes might……
Photo Credit: Hello, guys! Long time since I last wrote a blog here in this wonderful network,……
Photo Credit: Google
Photo Credit: Google
What if I told you there’s a hack, that’s backed up with academic research, that can teach you how to stop smoking……
Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream.……
1 Our body needs food and oxygen to produce energy. Wastes are also produced……
smoking is dangerous
Why quitting smoking can seem so hard Smoking tobacco is both a physical addiction and a psychological habit. The nicotine from cigarettes……
Hey there guys! So someone told me that if i really have to want people buzz me and notice me then i should write something.So today……
Photo courtesy of This video uploaded on YouTube by Albert Sarangay “Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health”……
1. Smelling like smoke There's no mistaking the smell of cigarette smoke, and it's not one many people describe favorably. Steven……
Everybody of us have heard about the word cholesterol. When we are small kids , we hear this word quite often when our elders discuss……
5:00 in the mornin 'I have chills, I teeth chatter and I turn up the sound, alone on the bed in my blue crumpled sheets is insomnia,……
Walter Elias "Walt" Disney was born at 2156 North Tripp Avenue in Chicago, Illinois on December 5, 1901 to a Irish-Canadian……
If you’re smoking a cigarette right now, I have good news for you: if you don’t ever pick one up again, your body will……
You're always better off if you quit smoking; it's never too late. Loni Anderson
Each of us should think of the future. Every puff on a cigarette is another tick closer to a time bomb of terrible consequences. Christopher……
Each of us should think of the future. Every puff on a cigarette is another tick closer to a time bomb of terrible consequences. Christopher……
We already know that smoking is bad for our health yet some people still do it. It destroys you, the people around you and the……
The kidneys are a standout amongst the most imperative body organs, on the grounds that they are in charge of the pee transform in……
Smoking causes cancer 90% of lung cancer patients developed their disease because of smoking. Lung cancer is one of the……
We cannot deny the fact the smoking is dangerous to our health. Smoking is harmful to the smoker only but also to the person who will……
Shamefully including myself,there are an estimated 2.5 billion smokers worldwide,if every pack of cigarettes costs an average of $……
ar you like smoking so i do not love you because i do not like it
Smoking is injurious to health. This is the statutory tag which anyone can find on the cigarette packet. It is not clearly described……
1-Discussion Let us we discuss about the health and lifestyle. How can we improve our lifestyle to become more worth living and healthy?……
1. Stop immediately. They call it Cold turkey, and the person just decides to stop right there and then. The success rate of……
5 Most Surprising Reasons to Quit Smoking If I were to tell you that smoking causes cancer, ups your risk of heart attack……
How to Get Someone to Quit Smoking Without Hating You Do you bite your tongue every time a beloved……
Smoking shortens life A significant 2013 analyze of girls in the United Kingdom located that 2 from three deaths in people who smoke……
Listen Up I was also a hard smoker before and i light more than 2 packs of cigarette everyday and that made my lip……
Smoking is responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases, and heart disease, as well……
Every smoker knows well that it is very difficult to restrain your desire to light a cigarette you. In fact, only on a photo of someone……
After long unintentional inhaling of 5 packs of cigar from my neighbor, it finally took a toll on my health. I caught my self……
Smoking Kills Statutory warnings on cigarette packs shouldn't be taken lightly. Smoking does kill you, slowly……
Anti-smoking campaigners are concerned that e-cigarettes may ultimately do more harm thangood.In a report published in the South……
Van Staden’s findings – like many of the nascent studies around e-cigarettes – provide hints, guides, clues of what……
“I see a lot of lung patients,” says clinical technologist Sandri van Staden, who works in the field of Pulmonology at……
The default classification of e-cigarettes as tobacco products rather than medicines has meant there has been no real obligation on……
E-cigarette importers and distributors argue that they fall under “tobacco products”, not drugs. When the US Food and……
It has been a decade now since the first commercial e-cigarette units went on sale, and there is still no consensus as to……
There’s a cigarette plugged into the side of my laptop. A year ago this would have sounded silly – to be honest, it still……
Some of you may not have listened this term "peer pressure" ever in your life but this pressure has gotten so much into all of us……
فی زمانہ تمباکو نوشی ایک فیش بن گئی ہے .ہر نوجوان اور خوش پوش آدمی اگر اچھی……
تمباکو نوشی ایک بہت ہی بری عادت ہے ، بلکہ اگر کہا جائے کے یہ ایک ححلقہ ……
Now a days every body is busy in their own lives . Not just the youngsters but mature men and women have also made their lives so……
There are many people i know who have bad habits, for example smoking, drinking, using saparis, chewable tobacco. THis is the best……
Lung Cancer By a wide margin the most perilous sort of diseases is generally lung malignancies. Lung diseases wipes out significantly……
Co Educations system is increasing day by day in whole around the world. Co Education can cause to increase your confidence but unfortunately,……
Physical fitness and health are the important aspects of modern life. Due to illiteracy and lack of awareness in developing countries……
most people would like to enjoy a long and healthy many countries,there is more change of doing that now then in the past.until……
a sound mind is in a sound is one of the most important reasons to be successful in the life and joy is the most……
Today I am going to write a most common problem in our society that is smoking. A majority of people around us smokes. They smoke……
Hemoglobin is abbreviated as Hb is protein in nature, in which four pyrrol rings are attached with iron. Hemoglobin is found in red……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
“A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing or……
Sigarate and Smoking is no good for any one. Sigarate is a device which is used to harm the humans body,it is also called……
Thinker and creators consider Cigarettes are Creative Process. Workers and labor understands that his exhaustion get away from this……
Health is wealth. Human body is like a machine. As machine can be damaged or spoiled. So, proper care should be taken for the health……
It is believed that cancer is a new disease but in fact it is not a new problem, it has a huge number of victims yearly around the……
It is accepted that skin aging is inevitable, most of changes on our face is the result of our environment and the way of life. Remember……
SMOKING without a doubt is a very harmful habit which is widespread all over the world and I say habit because I see that there is……
Cancer is very dangerous disease and rapidly increases.Cancer is so painful disease.Their are many types of cancer such as Skin cancer,Breast……
If you are doing it for fun, well it’s not funny! Because your life is at stake! Yes! If you are smoking a glass hookah don’t……
This is an idea i was highly considering for my film for the first semester of my second year at university, after developing it more……
Having a healthy body, and being mentally and physically healthy, helps people to have a better life. These days , people pay……
The man in the picture is Anoosh . Anoosh is from Afghanistan but he is living in the United States. During the year anoosh wants……
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the month of July? The summer sun? The beach? Ramadan I……