Save The Bee

Credits: Baby First Hello friends, how are you? I am talking here on the topic of “Animals”. Kinds of Animals Credits:……
When I'm busy working with my bonsai trees I often come across interesting bugs. This grasshopper was the most colourful one I've……
Muslims celebrate two religious festivals every year - Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. Eid-ul-Fitr is a festival that precedes the holy……
Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, sometimes called Blattaria, of which about 30 species out of 4,600[1] total……
Cockroach is my best enemy ever since I was a child. If I see one my hear beats faster. There's a lot of cockroach here in our house……
Also called the “land lobster”, the Lord Howe Island stick insect was believed to be extinct for many years until its……
Gyroscopes measure rotation in everyday technologies, from unmanned aerial vehicles to cell phone screen stabilizers. Related Articles……
Ants have been around million of years ago in our home planet. According to some researches, there's about 12,500 identified species……
Housefly are dirty flying insects that often accumulate themselves on dirty places. They particularly enjoy gathering themselves on……
I saw a group of ants in the wall and it made me realize how amazing and fascinating these little creatures are. It's all amazing……
Hornets are wasps of the genus Vespa, closely related to (and resembling) yellowjackets. There are about 20 hornet species. Most……
Many people are fond of ladybugs because of their colorful, spotted appearance. But farmers love them for their appetite. Most ladybugs……
Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. Several species answer to the……
Fireflies are familiar, but few realize that these insects are actually beetles, nocturnal members of the familyLampyridae. Most fireflies……
All honeybees are social and cooperative insects. A hive's inhabitants are generally divided into three types. Workers are the only……
There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, but the members of three bear primary responsibility for the spread of human diseases.……
Bullet ants are appropriately named since the aid of a sting from just one of them is compared to being shot with a bullet.……
Many species of ants are known to raid neighboring colonies and steal eggs or larvae in a practice known as "dulosis". The forcibly……
10 Fascinating Facts About Ants 1. Ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight with their mandibles.……
Majority of the people are really terrified by just imagining creepy bugs. This video will prove you that fear of insects is just……
Insects outnumber humans 1.4 billion to one, and make up an estimated 85 per cent of all animal species. They might look similar to……
This world was made on the basis of love. God loved Muhammad (P B U H), so he made this world. Not only Prophet Muhammad (P B U H),……
Pakistan is a developing country with a population of 170 million and people living in slums……
Muslim scientist between 8th and 15th century made outstanding contributions for the progress of biology……
Today here summer season is on its heights. I like summer because it bright the whole world after dark clouds of winter. It provides……
PUBLIC WELFARE Public wellbeing is defined as a usual receiving of assistance and benefits from the Govt. Our Govt. has a range of……
The disasters to which man has to combat like heavy rain, snow, cyclones, earth quake and windstorm etc are the natural enemies of……
Butterflies Butterflies are of the order of Lepidoptera and are mainly day-flying insects. Butterflies have four life stages: egg,……
They're finally here! According to the Guardian one chocolate maker, Sylvain Musquar has sold approximately 60 boxes of chocolates……
Deadly insects that can send you running for the hills from a single bite are some of our worst nightmares. Even the “tough……
Rare killer hornets in China have injured over 1,600 and killed 41 innocent souls after being stung by their toxic stingers.……
The Hult Prize awarded $1 million to McGill students whose business plan is to transform insects into a viable food source for……
Apparently we as human beings should be eating more insects according to a recent article in the National Geographic, due to……
I recently came across an article on the National Geographic website responding to this exact question as images of camel spiders……
Researchers are seeking to develop genetically modified insects to combat different pests as opposed to various herbicides,……
Let’s say the winter holiday season is rolling around, your family comes over and you ask your nieces, nephews, baby cousins,……
After reading all of the various shocking articles about insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, and the like, I have increasingly……
Tahiti is a breeding ground for biodiversity. I was reading an article over the weekend in regards to the huge increase or rather……
I was flipping through my news feed some time ago and I found an image that brought a tiny shiver down my back, it was an image and……
MOSQUITOES FIND YOU IRRESISTIBLE FOR A REASON Picture me this, you’re planning a big ol’ BBQ at your home; you have……
I recently decided to make the most of the glorious but rare sunshine and took my camera out on a walk to see what I could find. For……