Father of the Nation

Mahatma Gandhi ji is the father of the nation of India. Who is know very well about him? He is a man of truth! He is the man of faith!……
Mahatma Gandhi ji is the father of the nation of India. Who is know very well about him? He is a man of truth! He is the man of faith!……
The City of Joy as named by Dominique Lapierre in his famous book of the same name, many know of my city Kolkata as the cultural capital……
I prefer the Canadian version of this. Every item is $2 at the check out because I only know one code and buy everything in……
A Single Lie Discovered...Is Enough To Create Doubt Over ,Every Truth Expressed. . . Doubt that the stars are fire Doubt that the……
A man's life is evolved through truth,in all phase of life there is a difficult situation arrives in which a man thinks whether to……
Click on the image. For orders feel free to comment down below. :)
Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location. Nowadays direct selling……
Get some information about anyone (that doesn't have an apprehension of statures) what superpower they wished they had-and I'll wager……
1. All The Spanking You get all the spanking from your parents, your parents have exhausted all their energies over you, so your younger……
Hey there everyone,……
Hey there everyone, my first blog is going to be about love. Yeah that's a word which even a child knows these days. And well the……
You have only one chance to explore this world. Life is precious. You have to give value to yourself. Respect your abilities. Respect……
EZEKIEL 34:11-16 (from King James Version - my Bible) 11 For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my……
The Bermuda Triangle is a large place of ocean along then Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. Over the last few centuries, its thought……
Our lives are amid by distances. But unfortunately, we the brilliant people of this epoch, love to evade from comprehending the things.……
As we all know that its The month of Moharam and what was happended on the 10TH of this month we all are very well informed about……
Watch Truth Online Free - Streaming 2013 Full Movie on Putlocker. Short Review: Playing the other lead is Sean Paul Lockhart, ala……
Pinocchio is a great Comedy show to watch this Fall. It is from Korea and is perfect for all our Korean readers. Are you an expert……
College is — and will always be — whatever you make of it. That’s the essence of college; it’s the time when……
As you go through life, you come across thousands (and maybe even millions) of people who will make a good, bad or lasting impression……
I know what you’re thinking. Another article telling me my lifestyle is not conducive to optimum health, which explains to me……
Why do you beg?” “The truth is I beg to get money for booze- drink.” “Why do you drink?” “To……
You will not find the truth in the news as there are some just paid off to tell you what is not the whole truth so they will tell……
While a good part of the diet program might be found within the website, you might be encouraged to acquire the ebook so as to totally……
Last but not least, on this declare: some individuals is often at their extremely fittest. Physique unwanted fat share inside the……
Photo credit: hd.wallpaperswide.com This is not the song of Scorpions or that of Moffatts of the same title. It is common knowledge……
True that. You only live once, so don't waste yourself. Don't give up on yourself. Don't underestimate yourself, you have the power……
Faith is not blind faith; it is taking that step out knowing that where you place your foot, it will hold you. Faith is based on truth……
In our universe today, laws of nature we cannot ignore are the center points of disagreement among many individuals. Individuals who……
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher In a Nursery School……
Ok, I know I am contradicting myself by the amount of time I am spending on bitlanders but this needs to be said lol! Image was taken……
It basically describes as we all know, everything is comprised of division 0. Or the dot. No matter how deep we go particles will……
Man's Body Language can be recorded from the truth and lies || Psychologist The majority of experts agree that whatever we speak the……
Life is a road A long road, road to death All know the bitter truth of it But still all are afrUd of it..........!
A rap artist named Bobby Herring, who's artist/stage name is Tre9, uses his gifts and talents in a unique and positive way! He holds……
I wrote a very long winded poem... sorry about that but I think you may find it enjoyable. Of course bitcoin is mentioned in there.……
Where Is The Truth Going? I have a kid reading in KG-1 standard. I am too much panic thinking about the future of my child. I am also……
are only survived by their false way of living life and getting fame money and name... But my question is that does it give them good……
Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to……
The Truth About Fat Everything You Wanted to Know About Fats and Oils, and What Affect They Have on Our Health The subject……
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...”(Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) TODAY’S WORDGod created……
We all go through hard times – it’s called “life.” Some people have more hard times than others, but……
It's sad to see and observe how a lot of Filipinos tend to be hypocrites even if they claim that they are not. People in high places……
Silly mistake i fell in love it’s time truth comes outhidden in your heartas form of lovea true love or not sympathy me for……
It is truly not possible to lick your very own elbow. A crocodile can't keep it's tongue taken……
If Saturday and Sunday don't excite you, then change your friends.If Monday doesn't motivate you, then change your profession.If Monday……
Do not say you are happy because everything is alright, but be happy because while everything is complicated, you are still doing……
The Truth Behind 4 Food Myths (NewsUSA) - Don't you just hate food scolds? Especially when they're as certain they're right……
Dear all, How are you. I have observed that now a days teens are asking each other a common question who is your Crush? Crush means……
Truth may be hidden by many ways like with force or money and corruption or any illegal way. but we see that the lair……
We are in a very intense energy-download time and the biggest thing about this is your Integrity is up for review. Use Discernment……
Don't know what is love , but the business of today If you've the success, you are the good and great Don't know what is honesty,……
Never tell the lies in a sea of lives Sea contains you, don't spoil it Die with a truth, better than to tell lie Make dreams……
I love smoking it.
I have heard many people say that a human can never be happy. The needs and wants never end. If a human is after something……
“OF TRUTH” is the indicative of the greatness of Bacon's mind and art. Having philosophic and pragmatic bias of mind,……
Why do blokes habits annoy women ?Why moan about the bog seat being left up ? Is it too much effort to put it down before sitting……
Some people hold the view that emotion must be given priority than logic. when it comes to making decisions, those who decide emotionally,……
BIRBAL AND THE THUG Akbar was a great Mughal Emperor. He was born in 1542 and died in 1605. akbar was a lad of thirteen when his father……
The True Meaning of Easter We’ve all heard the story of how Jesus died on the cross and how he was resurrected……
Today I will talk about the discipline in the society and the problem of person which do not follow the discipline. Throughout history,……
Love is a dark and infinite feelings in this world and no one person can't measure the feelings of love. But there are some……
While the media has been pre-occupied, drowning the schedule with coverage on the missing Malaysian airlines flight that disappeared……
Happiness is the goal of every man’s life. Every human being wants to pass his life happily and no body wants to undergo pain……
Truth Seeker By Jeran Campanella What's the truth, and how would any of us know? We've all been told lies, and told which way……
It s’ a truth that everyone must follow from that!
Herbal remedies, truth or quackery? Well on one side of the spectrum, some of us may frown upon and shame those who use herbal……
Open the mouth and say your heart word. Don’t fear from anyone, from who’s that wishes to lock your mouth and makes an……
Rebel clashes with military troops in the Philippines resulted with at least six people dead and over a dozen residents held……
Tell me the truth Many people thought that truth is something which can make them out of life’s track. I mean people want to……
Climate change otherwise known as global warming is the topic of discussion for any individuals who vaguely care for the sustainability……
Most of the time,It is very difficult to know that a person is lying or telling a truth.However,you can make a scientific guess just……
“When we are able to find personal stories that documentaries do very, very well; and illuminate for people the conditions [of]……