We vote our castes.

Abdullah: Mustafa have you seen today's paper? Mustafa: Yes! it is on the table.Abdullah: (While reading the paper) Mustafa!We should……
Abdullah: Mustafa have you seen today's paper? Mustafa: Yes! it is on the table.Abdullah: (While reading the paper) Mustafa!We should……
Moise Jean-Charles te fe tout moun konnen ki direksyon peyi a kapab pran si li pa rive prezidan nan rezilta sa yo kap vini la. ……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher The Only Debate……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher Ten Things……
Waited for So Long time ,At last we as all Pakistani watched happening PSLT20 live in UAE. It is like a dream come true. After Watching……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher America's……
Islamabad: Federal capital is decorated for municipal elections when the total delivery of election materials to the Election Commission……
PPP and MQM in Sindh Zulfiqar Mirza group, while the clean sweep of the 14 seats of the municipal committee and his party suffered……
WHO IS IMRAN KHAN ? Imran Khan is currently a Pakistani politician and a former cricketer who represented Pakistan in international……
Imran Khan Niazi (born 5 October 1952) better known as Imran Khan is a Pakistani politician, former cricketer, philanthropist, cricket……
OTDR (optical time domain reflectometer) ARE USED FOR TESTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE TESTING. (OTDR) is an opto-electronic……
The political platforms all around KPK are active, Local bodies elections have brought a great flow political heat and competition.……
Naheed Farid is a Member of Afghanistan Parliament, House of Representatives. She was born in Herat City in 1984; she graduated……
This time i am going to talk about the verification of votes in NA-122 Lahore. LAHORE: The verification of votes in NA-122……
This time i am going to talk about the sayings of Imran Khan the chairman of PTI(Pakistan Tehreek Insaf). ISLAMABAD: Pakistan……
Originally posted at my blog: Living Free Statists love to speak of democracy, the power being in the hands of "the People",……
Today we see a very critical and worse conditions which were ever seen in Pakistan because there is open said against……
The decision has finally been announced today 07th July, 2014 as Independent Elections Commission of Afghanistan had delayed the results……
Picture of a destroyed building during the Afghan Civil War, Jadai Maiwand Widely known as a technocrat intellectual, Dr Ashraf……
Elections is legal law of people, people select their leader with their volition. nothing can remove and change their final volition……
The International Football Federation President Sepp Blatter announced his candidacy for a fifth term elections, in 2015. Mr.……
It has been an eventful week so far in Afghanistan following the landmark April 5th election where Afghans defied Taliban intimidation……
5th April was the day of presidential and provincial council elections, which all Afghans above eighteen years welcomed this national……
This year will be a historical date. it will be a time where we Afghans go to the Polls. and vote for our new President and the future……
About 8 years ago the transitional government of Afghanistan changed to the system of republicanism by An Elections for the first……
By passing each day we approach to a next step toward presidential and provincial council elections. Youths which make above half……
As it would seem our former foreign minister also known as the ‘decorous doctor’, Mr Zalmay Rassoul hasn't been short……
Eligible Afghan citizens are going to attain the right to elect the president and provincial council and vote for their new president.……
The Military operation in NorthWaziristan is due in a week or may be days as Pakistan Air force has pounded militant hideouts in the……
Afghanistan is going to witness another milestone in its emerging history of 21st century. In april, presidential elections are taking……
Women have significant role in different social and political parts. Afghan women can join the elections and vote for their candidates……
One of the issues that recently Afghanis and world Medias broadcasted and are following is the issue of BSA (Bilateral Security Agreement)……
This weekend are the presidential elections in Chile and I think that is a good instance to share with you all this short film.……
Under the 2001 Agreement, was Afghanistan was scheduled to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in 2004 in order to……
Afghan women no longer suffer that cruelty they were suffering in Taliban era. They were not allowed to attend schools, having jobs,……
Women are not acting as symbols today in Afghanistan. They are now in the lower house of Afghanistan and decide about the country’s……
Thousands of eligible refer to election voting card distribution centers every day. Tens of eligible people are going to the election……
Herat is located in the west of Afghanistan and about ten thousand kilometers away from Kabul. Besides, it is one of the fastest growing……
Afghan presidential election is on the way, the candidates are registering themselves, the electrical campaigns……
What will be the 2014 –results of the Afghan presidential elections? But currently, the people are worried about the next presidential……
In next year’s Afghan presidential elections, Fawzia Koofi, a woman, will be running for the presidency. Though Afghanistan……
President Barack Obama on Tuesday night telephoned Pakistan’s prime minister-elect Nawaz Sharif and felicitated him on……
جنگ باعث نابودی ملت ها میگردد، حتی کسانیکه خود به نحو در جنگ……
While last week started with Sandy, this week started with Obama. This Tuesday, the American people chose their President for the……
The job growth (around 114K) was not as great as was the drop in the unemployment rate (from 8.1% to 7.8%) released this morning (October……
Perhaps Palestinians or Middle East peace are not his first priority but US standing as diplomatic power should matter to someone……
The trend set in 2008 appears to project an ever greater correlation between who holds sway on the internet and who wins the……
Democracy is what makes countries look beautiful. It projects not only respect for the rule of law and some political order,……
In short, yes. The risk is greater that Aung San Suu Kyi will become co-opted by the ruling regime in efforts to present a good face……
More people will be hit by lighting than will someone attempt to vote illegally. There is election fraud, but it not perpetrated through……
Barring a cataclysmic act of God or an unforeseen Craigslist photo scandal, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is going to……
Vladimir Putin is his worst enemy. He is afraid to evolve. With him Russia is again stagnating and not rising to meet challenges.……
Predictions for $5.00 gasoline are more frequent even if rationale is contradictory and frankly avoids the core of the problem. Neither……
UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor for Yemen, Jamal Benomar, briefed the Security Council on 25 January. Based on the Gulf Cooperation……
The International Criminal Court’s low support in Africa may be further eroded by ruling that 4 prominent Kenyans, including the……
Newt Gingrich can thank his ex-wife for 243,253 votes in South Carolina, well at least many of them. Marianne Gingrich, wife number……
$6 to $8 Billion will be spent on 2012 US elections, a geometric rise from just a few years earlier, but how will money be spent?……