I did not signup because....

I did not signup earlier because I don't like the name bitlanders and the sales pitch makes no sense, give your opinion? On what,……
I did not signup earlier because I don't like the name bitlanders and the sales pitch makes no sense, give your opinion? On what,……
Before I start, here's a short video from HeartofGoldGirls on Building a Social Media Presence for your brand. Video Credit:……
Video Credits: Project Life Mastery via YouTube Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlander When asked about social media, the……
Hello bitlanders' fellows,I am glad to know that you guys are liking my blogs about earnings. After getting apprecia-tive comments……
LinkedIn doesn't Take part in with respect to Specialist profile photographs and neither if you. For individuals who transfer……
Top Most Social Media of the internet Bitlander: bitLanders is a free social stage that remunerates its clients for their substance……
(Image source: google.com) We are living in an age where people are more social than ever before. Being social was started when human……
5 Of My Favorite Weird Guinness World Records What is Guinness World Records? Guinness World Records is known as The Guinness……
Givkwik #GivingTuesday Campaign and Event NYC 2015 - I Chose Life Vest Inside What is Givkwik? Givkwik is a software……
LinkedIn the social network for professionals with nearly 350 million users, has been making a push into the area of anticipatory……
Since I am officially back to being an employee, I am now updating my online profiles for this new job that I am in! I got my linked……
LinkedIn has made another acquisition to build out its big data recruitment business. It’s acquired Careerify, a startup based……
October's Most Shared Sites on LinkedIn are following Rank & LinkedIn Shares 1 Forbes 453,446 2 The New York Times 346,097 3 Business……
Güçlü mü'minlere olduğumuzu bir resim bin kelime değerinde olduğunu söyleyerek eski içinde. Wikipedia……
Here is an excelent way to make money online. You can choose to make money with your own website. Just register for free and……
Crediamo fortemente nel vecchio adagio per cui un'immagine vale mille parole. Wikipedia ha fatto le sue prime apparizione intorno……
We are strong believers that in that old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Wikipedia has it's first appearance back……
Today I am going to share with you all some tips on how to increase your buzz score, the tips which I am going to give you today is……
LinkedIn LinkedIn è un social media network business-oriented. È stato creato nel 2002 e rilasciato al pubblico……
LinkedIn LinkedIn is a social media network that is business-oriented. It was founded in 2002 and released in 2003 for public use.……
Year 2013 has been a great year for technological and scientific innovations and discoveries, we have to remember the most important……
Today I am going to write on some changes of film annex. I am the student of engineering from Pakistan. I was unaware about film annex……
The world before social media... Do you remeber how was yur life without the social media? How can you spend your time and your work……
Hi there! This is Hafsa from Wah Cantt (Pakistan). I am a simple girl who has a keen interest in book reading, internet surfing……
In questa settimana ricorre la Social Media Week, sia a New York che in molte altre parti del mondo. Ho partecipato a molti incontri……
This week is the Social Media Week here in NYC and many other parts of the world. I attended several interesting sessions with inspiring……
فلورانسا من مايكل أنجلوا Michelangelo تم أنشاء موقع فيلم انكس من قبل الفلورانسين……
Firenze, da Piazzale Michelangelo Film Annex è stato ideato e sviluppato da fiorentini e forse è questa la ragione……
Florence, from Piazzale Michelangelo. Film Annex was conceived and developed by Florentines. This is possibly the reason why……
Digital literacy helps you communicate and keep pace with modern global developments. In the social media and network integration……
المشاركة في صفحات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية في قانون التوزيع و الحصول على……
ګډون ته ایښودل په ټولنیزو رسنیو کې د (ویش قانون او یا مطالبو ته د لاس رسي……
Il 24 Novembre 2013, l'Organizzazione per i Diritti Umani e la Democrazia in Afghanistan (Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Recent years inventions and discoveries have changed the 21 century to a stop point in history of technology improvements in the world.……
فیـــلم انکس و وامـــن انکس از چندی بدین سو در کشور ما افغانستان فعالیت……
Social media is using of techs based on web for changing of communication into bidirectional dialog. The term social media was used……
Condividere sui social media significa distribuire o dare accesso ai tuoi contenuti tramite link (hyper-linking), foto, video e testo.……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
Social media is a network which a large number of people could connect via it; in today’s society social media networks have……
Как заработать с компанией Film Annex? (Информация для филмейкеров, блоггеров,……
In the recent years Afghanistan people could broke the figurative borders of this world and……
SOURCE: http://pcmlifestyle.com/2012/01/heres-your-chance-to-report-live-from-the-red-carpet-at-the-oscars/ Recently we talked about……
Previously I have touched on the power of hashtags and their use in social media, however this week I have been thinking about which……
Early last week I started conversations on my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages in regards to the growing popularity we are seeing……
This week I am taking a somewhat different approach to my blogging after reading Jennifer Bourne’s blog ‘Hashtags, The……
Международная церемония Fashion Film Awards уже не за горами, и мы перецитируем……
Thanks to social media, communication is easier than ever! To make sure you hear about the latest Film Annex news and updates, follow……
Продолжая сериал Social Media Film Promotion 101 , я сосредоточусь на этот раз на LinkedIn.……
Continuing the Social Media Film Promotion 101 series, I'll focus this time on LinkedIn. Why LinkedIn? I believe that, after Twitter,……
"I think the more you blog and tweet about your stuff, the more revenue you get. My best days seem to come after a blog post or update……
This is a question I've asked myself since I started blogging over three years ago: How can I get paid to blog? I'm still……
Если вы постоянный посетитель на Film Annex, то Вы наверняка слышали о том, что……
"I like the Buzz Score Film Annex uses because you can see right away that your social media networking is working with the rise in……
Эволюция образования и социальной среды идет рука об руку. Число студентов,……
If you are a regular on Film Annex, you've heard of the Buzz Score which measures the reach and influence of your content on the web.……
"Film Annex is definitely the way for the independent filmmakers to promote their work and get rewarded for it. You can make your……
Sharing on social media is no longer just a trend; it has become a lifestyle that creates communities of thousands or millions of……
Hi everyone! We recently made some changes to the BuzzScore, the Film Annex tool that measures your content's influence on your fans……
"Earning back from all our hard work just gives us one more reason to keep going!" - Sorcha Anglim Sorcha Anglim is a female filmmaker……
In 2012, Film Annex used its social media platforms to promote its services and short film makers. We focused on certain platforms,……
"The more you link back to Film Annex the better! I also appreciate that Film Annex is active on social media and will share or retweet……
I started the week by focusing on a series of blogs about filmmakers and social media. After reviewing how our filmmakers are using……
"I have definitely noticed a difference with the new implementation of the buzzscore. Now I can see where all aspects of my filmmaking……
"The buzzscore is an awesome incentive. [...] You're getting rewarded for sharing your own work. That's rare! - Amy Hill. Amy Hill……
This week, I focused on trying to help our independent filmmakers use social media to promote their content and also reviewing what……
A little bit earlier today, I was asked an interesting question to answer, about the social media site LinkedIn. Before I address……
Last week, Film Annex announced that LinkedIn had now the most influence in the BuzzScore, meaning that sharing content on LinkedIn……
Film Annex added the Tumblr sharing button to its platform to offer its users a better, more extensive sharing experience. Sharing……
While last week started with Sandy, this week started with Obama. This Tuesday, the American people chose their President for the……
Whilst you may use Social Media sites such as Facebook and Twitter on a sociable level, have you ever considered the benefits of using……
You understand how much veterans have to offer your company and why hiring them is good not just for your business, but for national……
Recently, I was watching a Film Annex interview with a woman who works at an information communication company in Germany (or an IT……
Bu blogun orijinali İngilizce olarak Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Content on Film Annex başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır.……
This is the French translation of a previously posted blog post called Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Content on Film Annex. ……
Bu blogun orijinali İngilizce olarak Sharing on Social Media başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır. This is the Turkish translation of……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Sharing on social media refers to the act of distributing or providing access to content through posting links (hyper-linking), photos,……