Bitlanders C-Blogging: Unknown facts about Jeff Bezos

Image credit: Screenshot from Top Trending via YouTube, changed by Vimi for bitLanders This is my fourth participation in the unique……
Image credit: Screenshot from Top Trending via YouTube, changed by Vimi for bitLanders This is my fourth participation in the unique……
Does shoaib mansoors movie explains what a person is rapist?
As I sit and write I find myself making all kinds of different sounds and noises. Across the table from me is my partner, the dutch……
While all these thoughts were rupturing my "Good Morning" I recieved a call "Hello" I said "Mr Dean" High pitched Voice replied…… How to start a drop shipping business on Amazon CLICK HERE to get started:……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
1 Our body needs food and oxygen to produce energy. Wastes are also produced……
Advance Happy New Year-2016 Image-source,,, Each 12 months you set new desires for your self. In case you’re like……
Today is monday. And its hard to go back to work for every person.
Have a nice day is a commonly spoken expression used to conclude a conversation (whether brief or extensive), or end a message……
NEELAAM GHAR BY TARIQ AZIZ - MY FAVOURITE SHOW ON TV Neelaam Ghar (literally means "Auction House" in English) is the show that brings……
GOOD NEWS -DENMARK: EMPLOYERS CAN NOW FIRE OVERWIEGHT EMPLOYEES? According to an EU regulation, the employers can fire the overweight……
Robert WadlowHe was born in Alton, Illinois on February 22 1918. At the time he weighed only 8' 6 ounces (3.8 kg). He attracted attention……
'' Honesty is the best policy '' is a well known proverb which is often quoted by our teachers and elders……
Sometimes, when you hear devastating news about someone you love, you know what you feel in your heart, but the right words don't……
Once there was a wise King. He had two sons. He appointed eminent scholars to teach them all arts. After a few years of teachings,……
1) Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’sresearch that says……
Stroy Farcry 3 take place in two island which are barely inhabited by humans. Among these islands exists a large group of pirates……
LET'S Join to earn more money JUST UPLOAD 24 PHOTOS AND SHARE 10 PHOTOS ON IT EVERY DAY and you can promote your……
Now when I walk in the streetMy feet have no energyI can’t raise my head as an Afghan womanI am afraid Like a weak personA toy……
What's such a syndrome-Well it is labeled to be a development disorder in which has effects on how the human brain purpose, exactly……
The charming breeze of spring caressed my face and made everything more attractive—the red and purple blossoms, white clouds……
Improve your interaction with all persons by following these ideas and change your personality i hope so Always talk……
We follow the leader because we have the confidence and trust in him. We follow people who can lead us and guide us for the betterment……
I don’t think Americans know how to ‘do’ Europe. Sure, the US and EU are in advanced stages in negotiating the Transatlantic……
"Cô đơn thật sự không đáng sợ như bạn nghĩ đâu. Hãy vui vẻ sống cùng với……
That is Quality which Forces you to be what you like means, meaning of inspiration varies as person.
Mutan ka Jwan(episode#7)On the next day, Heroine’s brother come to the home of hero.He excused for poor behaviour……
He is a jolly and care free person. At the age og seventy -two, he enjoys good health and feels attaraction for the fair sex un fortunately,……
A man who want to know about spiritualism so first of all he should know his own the soul, the percept of the 'Rooh'……
words are divided in to different kinds or classes,called parts of speech,according to their use;that is,according to the work they……
Hey dear reader you might feel rugged, like lost in the grains of sand in the wind some time in your life but let me remind you one……
Computer is a human invention that man is a thinking man's brain, which shows we……
The most lonely person is the one who isn't strong enough to face what he did. I am writing this article just to tell my readers to……
Libros Por lo general, se dice que una PERSONA es conocida por la compañía que tiene, pero yo creo que una……
It's the whole world that we see this to be here: and let us all work associated with the person and the person even if it is on the……
Do you remember your first day in……
When a person is in his first time or can I save then it is also that when something is very less any kind of the reason for this……
The election to choose a person of the people, by the people to lead and solve all human problems, racial, economic, religious and……
Clear all creatures God created man, and his personality is unique that none of the creatures away. Character……
Home is the place where all the people feel comfort and pleasure. Home is the only places where everybody becomes happy and feel relax.……
A good person should be a good human being firstly. He should be well mannered. He should have a good personality. He should……
First of all the word "power" means "work done in unit time". If we understand the power, then we take some examples. So, we take……
My name usman ali and I am a student of bsc. In the past few months I've been working at this site. I have to write that many in the……
Sometimes in buying of dress we give Priority to two things. First is our choice and we pay money for this thing and second……
The use of time is art to live. Our life is very short and we are doing so much work in this short time. In this short time we are……
There is always problems with new word in English especially for afghan students . because English is their third language at……
Copyright can arise automatically through the mere ac of setting words to paper. You do not have specifically to apply for copyright……
This is the second part of my Blog Dress and its purposes .In previous Blog we define dress and its first three purposes now we will……
CRIME Crime is a bad action .i hope no body face to any kind of the crime ;because if anybody get habit to crime he will do it every……
Individual health owes more or less to guided indications people follow to take care of their health. They may feature a few personal……
Despotism in mean is called oppress. when one how which do not observe justice. and despotism to other is called despotic. and Allah……
Science means knowledge , knowledge is s learning and . science is the way for development, and it have all the other in its……
Know the meaning of knowledge and awareness are something. Allaah to His slaves were treated to a bounty of knowledge is treated.……
“Friendship is not a newly relation but it is fast between Allah and Musa”. Man is only social animal. He cannot……
Bitter and sweet moments are the moments that everyone pass it in her/ his live. And it is out of control that we select……
Hairstyle gives a unique look to a person; it is a kind of fashion. It gives a big measurement to a person’s personality. Hairstyle……
A hacker is a person obsessed with computers. At the heart of the obsession is a drive master the computer.It is only recently that……
Every person during their life need for this to know everything and this can be a question that how a person can know everything?……
Games are very important for health. It keeps your body healthy and your mind fresh. Everyone like a game which he wants to play and……
Any person not knows the future of anything so who live in Pakistan and live another country not know the future of Pakistan. Anyone……
Attachments want not be a complicated business. Basically, you can cut and paste the attachment into your main email text,……
One of the most important aspects of life of every individual is policy, no one can generally be separate from politics and its affairs,……
It is always worth trying to obtain same press coverage when you are starting a new business, launching a new range of products or……
“If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; but if character is lost then everything is lost”……
Our prophet Muhammad (S AW) born in Makkah on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 570 AD. He spent childhood and youth in Makkah. He was famous for……
According to the information that I know, when a person die, just his body remain in grave, but his soul will leave him and will go……
These days, many people have telephones in their hotel rooms, or even take their own mobile phones with them abroad, so the point……
Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples of Christ who turned over him to the Jewish priests and they crucified Him .centuries……
Do you know what happens when the little pleasures of life are denied? They should get chocked and the heart sinks down. All are pleasures……
There are lots of roads twisting towards the ancient and old city of the Lahore. Wondering in its street you will come face to face……
نظرية تأثير الشخص الثالث أولا : النشأة والخلفية التاريخية : ……
Punctuality is the key of success.The person who is more punctual will be more successful in life.Punctuality is a habit that makes……
Often we speak two kinds of courage physical courage and moral courage. Physical courage means to fight against difficult and make……
His one wrong decision could have provoked an atomic war, on 26th September 1983, Stanislav Petrov was on his duty when suddenly the……
Every educated men or women should know how to write a soft and reading letter. Every one may have to write business letter of some……
Single? Well I don't even care about my status,because I know that Allah is keeping me for someone……
Free time is opportunity to be relaxing and use the amusing ways to improve knowledge and education. As, free time activities are……
We can all agree that Olympian gold medalists and athletes are some of the world’s strongest individuals both mentally……
I was listening to NPR a while ago, and I remembered one of the discussions regarding the up and coming Mayoral race as the……
Amy Vernon is General Manager of Social Marketing for NYC startup Internet Media Labs; she heads up social marketing efforts for a……
Roya Mahbood as originator of the ACSC (Afghan Citadel Software……
Once a friend of mine and I went to visit our professor who teaches us anthropology at the university and we had a nice chatting together.……
Hello, guys. Today I would like to say THANK YOU to Gene Geter, and dedicate this blog to him. A few days ago we uploaded several……
According to Wikipedia, Time Magazine's Person of the Year is an "annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that……