Introduction to libertarianism: the non-aggression principle

Libertarianism is a political and moral philosophy based on what we call the "non-aggression principle" or the NAP, as we will refer……
Libertarianism is a political and moral philosophy based on what we call the "non-aggression principle" or the NAP, as we will refer……
Image Source: Hello, everyone. Here am I back again with another review. If you have not given a read to my previous……
“The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political…… :تفصیلات پڑھیں
SOURCE Our political system seems to be at a crossroads with insurgents, particularly from the right, making compromise……
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Germany in 30 July 1947.His full name is Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger and……
Source: Google Now a days child abuse has become most horrible crime over all the world. Child abuse cause childhood trauma. Trauma……
ABOUT MR. ALTAF HUSSAINFOUNDER & LEADER OF MQM Altaf Hussain was born in Karachi on 17 September 1953. His parents were immigrants……
There was no upset in NA-246: Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s (MQM) Kunwar Naveed won, which means Muttahida will bag a National……
whom we know well or we love. Here is a list of notable assassinations of most famous and beloved political leaders and the……
The BNP on Tuesday blamed the government's agents for terrorist activities to malign the party, it said, does not believe in violent……
The country's exports rose only 1.5 percent in the current fiscal year's first six months, compared to 18 percent growth in the corresponding……
I am a firm believer in human stories, it is through stories we experience the reality of other persons, and in through stories we……
I am a firm believer in human stories, it is through stories we experience the reality of other persons, and in through stories we……
ہاتھی * اور * عوام پاکستانی عوام سرکس کے ہاتھی کی مانندھے۔ اسلام و علیکم ! ……
Indian are programming their people that a major war with Pakistan is due and close. He is actually warning of a brief war in November……
I've always viewed myself as one of the odd ones out. I'm pro gun rights, but also for abortion. I am also a firm believer that politics……
When we see the shameless political circus all around, rascal politicians and the corruption of those in power to dispense justice,……
Today corruption is almost it word phenomenon. It is, infect a universal problem, having existed in all age. It has clung mankind……
America destroyed 12 oil refineries of IS in Syria City - Yesterday, forces the US-led coalition attacked 12 oil refineries……
Today political news are at every TV channel in Pakistan. Restaurants , Cafe's and at every place people's talking about the politics.……
Political climate is hot and there is talk of revolution with freedom, look at the history, you know, revolution, freedom,……
Unfortunately ,these summits have been characterized more by empty rhetoric than concrete actions.Through the years ,the configuration……
Radio as a communication medium, playing a notable role in political life of human. Its political role as two aspects: First……
Today I am going to talk about favourite personality that I hope everyone know about this personality. Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal was……
Every aspect of Kashmir`s……
Part one There is no doubt that everybody knows something about worth of press. Before beginning of our discussion on history of press,……
In view of a breakthrough survey, four-fifths connected with Britons accept the real "war with dread" is, no doubt missing.……
The Holy Prophet continued his mission. He asked people to follow the path Allah Almighty had chosen for them. As Holly prophet got……
پاکستان کے حللات پارٹ ون .سیاست .خدا کا کانوں ہے کے جیسی رعایا اس پر ویسا……
‘Hells people say to heavens people that you would not win any suite against us as we have all lawyers’. It’s a……
Ukraine is under destruction.Many of the states are broken as quick as a 201st century melting ice.Russia on one side America……
A Wise Man Is A Man Who Knows He Is Fool In this word of ours most men are fools. The fools in human society may be divided under……
A few weeks ago I received a leaflet through the door about a new play called PESTS by Vivienne Franzmann. A raw and brutal portrayal……
Another problem which is faced by Pakistan is poverty. Poverty rate has increased from 30% to 40%, about 60% population of Pakistan……
ADMINISTRATION Each State makes some rules and laws, for the Govt. institutions to effort competently. The making of rules and laws……
3-CHAMBAILI: Chambaili is a 2013 Pakistani Urdu- language political thriller film directed by Ismail Jilani which aptly released at……
Have you ever faced with a surprising and astonishing situation in a foreign country? Each country has its own culture and values……
Remember that you were worried eyes Remember that night with the touch of your hands would relieve your pain Remember that because……
In the last decade a large number of women became members of the National Assembly of Afghanistan (Afghan Parliament),such as……
The secret of the overall progress of the west lies in its very high literacy rate which cannot be attained without educating the……
Pakistan and India are two Asian worst Rivals. Both nations always speak wrong sentences about each other on the special events even……
QUAID-I-AZAM ( THE FOUNDER OF PAKISTAN ) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ( The founder of Pakistan ) who was born on 25th Dec,……
In now a day’s Pakistan is facing the lot of problems but terrorism is the big problem of Pakistan. Government is totally failed……
today my topic is Islam a culture and development of Islam and also social society system in Pakistan. Culture is very important for……
10-Faculty of commerce : In 1911 , a school for commerce was established in Cairo University and it was called "the commerce high……
“Theodore Roosevelt” said, "The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able……
Today I want to discuss the political influence in the education system of Pakistan. In Pakistan the education system is not developed……
Afghanistan is a country that have been with long time crises and problems of social, political, economic, cultural and military.……
For centuries Ghazni has been a centre of culture, trade and politics in the region comprising today’s Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan……
What is the place of women in our society? This is one of the modern problems that have come up as result of our partial adoption……
Women like men of other human rights , indigenous , Islamic , political, legal , and have been entitled to an extent and can be made……
Today, the spreading of information and communication technology has got some effects on different dimension of life such as political,……
They contempt you adequately in these 12 years, made joke for you, chanted you in every chance they got and called in worst words.……
Filmannex is a way of development for the women development in Afghanistan, which they could express their creative thoughts to the……
Television is a very great invention. Today in our daily life it is the need of every one. Like other inventions television has its……
In previous section I have discussed about 5 powerful women of Pakistan and now we will discuss further in this section Shehrbano……
Network is about the tension and exploitation of the media network in order to get the highest rating possible. The story of network……
Multan is oldest City of South Asia and Province Punjab, Pakistan. It is located in east of river chanab. But with the passage……
Education is one of the key development objectives in our life and has important role for shaping of excellent human’s personality.……
At the end of world war Il, the cold war eclipsed the arena of the international relations for more than four decades. The tow cold……
A country needs a system to be governed. The basic phenomenon of a system is to share the “power to the people” and make……
اذا كان يريد احد منا الاجابة علي كيفية سد الفجوة بين الممارسات السياسية……
Some say that it will take at least 50 years for society in countries like India to achieve gender equality, especially in politics.……
Man is asocial creature. He cannot live without a society. The society in which he lives confers certain rights on him, but rights……
I recently wrote a research paper for my course, titled Politics in Animation: Obvious vs. Oblique. I chose this subject because I……
هذه رسالة الى كل حاكم يظن انه في مأمن على كرسي الحكم وان باستطاعته ان يسيطر……
Role of a political leader is like a backbone in the life of nations. A great leader always sets aims and destination for its nation……
Is a ‘patriot’ simply a nationalistic American or something more? Although this may initially appear to be a simple……
We’ve all heard of some extreme diets and nutritional lifestyles but one that I consider to be the most extreme has to……
Afghan women no longer suffer that cruelty they were suffering in Taliban era. They were not allowed to attend schools, having jobs,……
Women in Afghanistan increasingly worry the withdrawal of international combat forces will deteriorate the progress of women’s……
The National Park Service released a series of videos showing American Muslim students, primarily girls, claiming any hatred……
Afghan presidential election is on the way, the candidates are registering themselves, the electrical campaigns……
Does a fully veiled Islamic woman really inhibit the progression of Islam in the modern world? Well, some believe so. I was……
Since 2001, the international community and the Afghan government have been actively engaged in the promotion of gender equality,……
Political coalitions show political maturity of a nation. Some political groups, parties, associations, political movements and people……
Imagine citizens across the country using pictures of themselves for the sake of immigration reform and awareness. For……
One of the greatest American Patriots in American history is indeed Alexander Hamilton. He is one of the founding fathers and……
Women in different terms of history had different roles in various nations. Women as half of the community’s body should have……
Say you’re going to a wedding, what is the bride usually wearing? Well, for the most part we can argue a white gown of……
I was listening to NPR a while ago, and I remembered one of the discussions regarding the up and coming Mayoral race as the……
Woman in Islam has equal importance and equal rights as the man has. Neither Islam orders that the woman to be worshiped as a goddess……
When I was visiting Boston not too long ago and wherever you go, you can’t help but hear the name Sam Adams. Sure, the reference……
People can bring positive change in the situation, and still have not lost since. But all disappointed and silent and the silence……
After withdrawing of the NATO troops from Afghanistan, Afghan situation will not face to serious challenges. Now, Afghan forces……
After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, tens of political parties with different wishes and thoughts have been created in Afghanistan.……
Provision of security and rehabilitation of security institution are considered as one of vital factors of nationalization process……
Since Facebook has emerged in Afghanistan among Afghan youth, political figures, and other people, the ground is……
Today Facebook is a good hobby for Afghan youth, and they use it when they are free during the day. Afghan people who use Facebook……
As women compose half of a society, they have an important role in political, social, cultural, and economic……
Serbia President Tomislav Nikolic’s offer of direct negotiations with Kosovo’s leadership but oath not to recognize its……
Release of Christian pastor charged with apostasy has been welcomed; however, arrest and detention of many others continues to be……
“While recognizing that the driving force behind this state of affairs is rooted in security concerns, I encourage the Government……
“Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for……
From a recent interview by Jordan’s King to the UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) the record of deliberate targeting of refugees……
In advance of World Humanitarian Day, Beyonce recorded before a live audience at and dedicated to the United Nations and global citizens……
As we all know,our world is changing in each second and it finally comes to one globalized community.As technology is……
The trend set in 2008 appears to project an ever greater correlation between who holds sway on the internet and who wins the……
"One of the things the US has always done well is take care of its vets..." So assumes Scott Weisman, a financial executive, in the……
... or at least, can UN borrow "intelligence" capacities of others? The UN does try to anticipate both crisis, threats to international……
Criminalizing Homosexuality in LiberiaUN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) called on Liberia to implement the international human rights……
“Given the lack of transparency in court proceedings, major concerns remain about due process and fairness of trials in cases……
Being a professional Fashion photographer I am often asked: What does Fashion Mean? I respond to one's question with……