Unemplloyment, Causes & Solutions

Unemployment & its Solutions Hello friends, How are you? Dear friends, my today's topic is unemployment and causes of unemployment……
Unemployment & its Solutions Hello friends, How are you? Dear friends, my today's topic is unemployment and causes of unemployment……
Unemployment is joblessness of those who are able and willing to work.The proportion un employed people displays the index……
Hello friends Today I would like to discuss a serious issue which is causing our young generation in different troubles and I want……
Image Credits: shutterstock Are you unemployed? Or are you finding it difficult to keep your ends meet? If you are……
Hello guys! Welcome back. I think a lot to get some topic for writing and then suddenly un-employment stuck to my mind. As it’s……
This is the stae of unemployment. When worker wants to work even at minimum possible wage still he does not have any job.. Which is……
When I graduated a several years ago, there was no Facebook, Twitter just started, and the iPhone was yet to be released. I……
Labor in Economics: Definition, Meaning and Factors affecting Supply of LaborOn November 19, 2015 By PrakashCategory: EconomicsLabor……
Recently, economists and policymakers alike have been paying more and more attention to subjective wellbeing (Graham 2010). The UK……
Unemployment - Causes and Solutions Unemployment levels are increasing dramatically in many parts of the world. Why is this,……
Youth is that part of human life in which the skills of young man’s are on the rise. Desires, aspirations and passion of doing……
Teachers of poor countries are victimized of severe hardships. There is need of policy to provide secure environment……
Unemployment in Pakistan Unemployment is a big issue in this world. Every country is facing this problem. Unemployment is fastly increasing……
APEC SUMMIT 2015 APEC SUMMIT 2015 will be hosted by the Republic of the Philippines this coming November……
Unemployment is a very serious problem in the developing countries of the world. It is certainly adding to economic difficulties in……
Unemployment is serious problem that our government faces. Our leaders are trying their utmost best to solve it wisely. If it is not……
Are you self contended? What is contentment? It can be given a lot of definitions all according to personal opinions or views. If……
Last night, when I was browsing instagram, I saw this meaningful picture above. It is some what like funny being able to see……
Even if we close the Philippines, some says, Filipinos make employment abroad as intelligent escape of earning much more that what……
There was a time when everybody was in praise of village life. But now even village people prefer to live in cities. There are many……
It is undoubtedly true that unemployment is a great curse. A person, who has got no work to do at all, is at a loss to understand……
All through the course of history, we have witnessed the stands of good and evil morning simultaneously. Man’s absolute desire……
Newspaper is an important means of information in the present day world. Every day, it makes its readers informed of all the important……
Unemployment is one of the biggest and serious long term problem for our economy. Unemployment causes direct effects to the economy……
An education report in Pakistan estimates that 22 % of children in school going age (5-16) in rural areas are enrolled in private……
In our country Pakistan poverty, inflation, unemployment is daily growing where there number of beggars is also increasing significantly.……
Corruption is know fashion around the world! Corruption is known as the misuse of power for personal benefits.……
Good governance is pointed out as one of the largest goal in “Millennium Development Goals” but in Pakistan nothing is……
Computer.. Computer is an electronic device that use for solve various problems according ……
The division of people in various opposite ideological school of thoughts and groups within the same religion is called sectarianism.……
Pakistan is one most beautiful and important Muslim country of the world. It is the first Muslim country that has Atomic power. The……
Unemployment is a biggest matter in every country has bigg ratio of unemployment Developing countries are facing unemployment……
Unemployment is the term referred to the condition or period of absence of employment, or nonexistence of any resource……
The problem of unemployment among the educated young men in our country is an acute one. It is not possible to gauge the extent of……
There are thousands of problems in our country. All are taken. There are so many issues of each country. But our biggest problem is……
Another problem which is faced by Pakistan is poverty. Poverty rate has increased from 30% to 40%, about 60% population of Pakistan……
Today I want to discuss the challenges of 21st century and the conditions and problems of Pakistan. All the countries of the world……
Problem of unemployment is gripped the world. Even the developed countries claimed that there is full employment but the position……
Technical education may be defined as the practical application of general principles and methods of scientific studies to the teaching……
First of all I would like to say that this……
Today I am going to write article on the special personality which I like most. The reason is that why I like him, he is the very……
I have discussed in previous part, the persecution of load shedding and its effect upon labourers and other poor people……
The load shedding of electricity and restraint of naturalgas to industrial institutes has produced situation of hell in Pakistan and……
Humans are alive to live, but this sentence is not correct for more Afghan’s people. The majority of people in Afghanistan meet……
Population means the number of people in the country. We can understand it by different means. People of a country from a nation,……
Youth are powerful and energetic forces of human community, that serve the country by their braininess and substantial power, and……
According to Sampson, Higher Education and its importance have long been ignored in developing countries but since last two decades……
With so many conflicts going on in the world no one has any time to see towards miserable lives of the people living at the Gaza strip……
Pakistan is suffering from huge power outage. This is due to many past years. Government……
Unemployment is an economic term. Employment means OCCUPATION so Unemployment means ABSENCE OF EMPLOYMENT. When the people are out……
Every country is striving to solve the unemployment problem in its own way. The Government of every country should by propaganda and……
Unemployment and poverty are the major problem in the country. Experts also believe that the unemployment caused that people……
The causes of unemployment are generally as follows: (i) Fragmentation and Disintegration of land:- ……
Family planning is a struggle to solve the problem of over population,over-population is an international problem.The……
Labours are those peoples that work on low scale and work done by hands.Labours are also called worker.In every country of the world……
Unemployment means lack of employment, inability to find work for which one is suited by nature or attainments. If all persons in……
Many people are wandering here and there in Pakistan. These jobless people cannot be adjusted due to shortage of sources. ……
The term"Overpopulation" is not easy to define because it is relative term and not an absolute. To judge the status of a community……
Our country is facing many social and economical problems but problem of rapid increase in population is very alarming. ……
The breakage of law that are set by the Government is known as crimes.Only few peoples in the society that break the law but it is……
The most serious problem of Pakistan is it poverty. It is curse and cause irreparable damage to the very Pakistan. There are so many……
I AM CRYING FOR people who live in insecure place. I AM CRYING FOR people who live in poverty. I AM CRYING FOR people who live in……
It’s clear that since last year the poverty and unemployment in Afghanistan, especially in Herat is in the high level and there……
Many governmental and nongovernmental sectors are being damaged from many years of war in Afghanistan. Some complain about unemployment,……
Germany’s dual-education system is far from fool proof. I recently came across an article in The Economist in regards……
Have you been a victim of technological unemployment? As much as that question sounds like a poorly created late-night television……
As long as human appeared in the earth, has needed to obviate its needs, which was possible only by struggle and working. People work……
The Definition: The state of being without job or the state of an individual looking for a job. Unemployment does not……
Afghan people enjoy many jobs the same as other people of the world. They feed their families through different jobs they are involved……
In a time when I occasionally feel down and out, as if my "FUNemployment" is simply the miserable unemployment and consistent job……
seeing the opportunity not the problem Ok so I’ve been away for a while, physically and mentally I guess. After graduating……
The job growth (around 114K) was not as great as was the drop in the unemployment rate (from 8.1% to 7.8%) released this morning (October……
"Monkey-Business with Statistics?-The stock-market has just recorded best 4 year rise even if it is more difficult for average citizens……
Jobless rates among young people will get even worse globally as the spill-over of the euro crisis spreads from advanced to emerging……
“Without a prompt policy turn – to address the crisis and to regain the trust and support of workers and enterprises –……
Collecting, analyzing and then acting upon digital information is seen as a “historic opportunity” to protect/help……
“There has been too much ideology in defining policies and too little human sensitivity to the individuals, families, communities……
Is this the fruit of austerity? - employment spikes and economic activity recedes across the Eurozone, and it is not just Spain or……
Austerity is also making the deficit worse rather than helping - that is the message of the UN's ILO (International Labor Organization)……
The US unemployment rate fell from 8.3% to 8.2%, but overall job creation in the US fell below projected expectations. Does this mean……
After being literally dead for about four years the U.S. job market has started to breathe again. Not long ago if you mentioned the……
Even more impressive for January in that the number of people who were looking for employment found work. Jobs created this month……
For Global economic growth and peace within our societies, according to the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) issuing……
Yesterday I was walking down in Wall Street area, I had schedule a brief meeting with one of my Filmmakers to shoot a few clips of……